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Need help with Mod Script FO3


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I am working on two scripts as part of my mod for FO3. The mod is fairly large in what it does overall as it has many game changing features, I have tested most everything and believe I have the problems narrowed down to a couple of scripts.


The first does lockpicking/hacking. The script works great, exactly as it should.... but I believe it is causing game crashes. I will upload the actual code later but here is what it does:


BEGIN GameMode


Get # of locks picked

Get # of terminals hacked

Get crosshair reference ID


IF # of picks locked = 5

IF lockpick skill >= 15

Player give perk - lockpick perk #1


(then repeat 4 more times to give all 5 perks)


(now repeat 5 more times for hacking)


IF crosshair reference equals door

Get reference lock state

IF locked

Get reference lock level

IF lock level = very easy

IF player has Lockpick perk#1


If level = easy

If player has lockpick perk #2



and so on and so on... basically it will run through this for each lock level for doors, then again for containers, then again for terminals.


The code works, I tested the functionality, it wont unlock what its not supposed too and will unlock what it is supposed too.


But the game is now random crashing... is this script to much coding to use on game start and constantly run through non-stop basically the whole game???



The second script is for the same mod, and is a save game feature... again, need to know if this is too much for the game. This is the actual code.


scn LHOTWSaveFeature

short PlayerName
int SaveMin
int SaveMaj
float TimerMin
float TimerMaj

Begin GameMode
If TimerMin < 120
set TimerMin to TimerMin + GetSecondsPassed
If SaveMin < 15
set SaveMin to SaveMin + 1
SaveGame &PCName;SaveMin
set TimerMin to 0
set SaveMin to 0
If TimerMaj < 3600
set TimerMaj to TimerMaj + GetSecondsPassed
If SaveMaj < 800
set SaveMaj to SaveMaj + 100
SaveGame &PCName;SaveMaj
set TimerMaj to 0
set SaveMaj to 0


any help would be greatly appreciated... thank you!!


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