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Crash After 2 Mins! - Please Help Me!


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hi i got a problem with my fallout 3(no goty) the game crashes always after 2mins, i got casm set to save every minute so i know that its always 2mins. i got a windows 8 64 bit pc, if u want any more info about my pc then just ask.

i also got some mods installed and fose but i tested without them on and still same thing happend, the game worked fine before this just happend recently after about 50 hours gametime, i tried a lot of the most common fixes for crashes but none of them fixes my game, if somebody know something that could help me then please tell me, thanks :smile:

Edited by eliasj98
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some thing in the game has changed, data some where, if you load up the saved game in fomm , and view only the 50 hour game, click it's xport button to export the load order, then use that and re-import it and run the game, if the CTDing stops? it was a mod, If it continues, it's the OS doing it, some thing some where changed.


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sorry, can't do that. the data that comes out is not the same, nmm uses a scheme "filename.esp=1" sort of thing like wrybash and is incompatible with my tools.

Fomm uses this ( [X] Filename.esp


so, importing this is my only option and is your only option. that is how the tool works. I do not know how many tools are inside Nmm,

I use old school for old game tech.

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