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FO:NV not loading mods


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Setup: Windows 7 Ultimate, i5 gen 3 oc'ed 4.5ghz, 660ti, ddr3 16gb 1600mhz. OS on SSD, steam is on its own 1TB HDD.


My current issue is this. I download NMM just fine. Install it to the same HDD that is housing steam. I use the default directory and install list for mods. I've tested it with a whole slue of mods and with just two mods (More Perks/Traits). I launch FO:NV via NMM, made sure all plugins are active, and FO:NV doesn't crash, launches just fine, but the mods wont work; as if their not activated.


And of course my FO:NV is up to date and have all the dlcs. I've tried moving NMM over to C:program (x86), no luck. Furthermore, on the launcher, data file, it only shows the game + dlcs.

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