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Probally Asked alot but.... Eye Problem Help plz.


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Ok so, I have installed a lot (200+) Mods. I use BOSS and it organized 180+ of them, the rest I had to place myself. Well, All the custom races I have added work except 70% of the Lattamer races. But im not worried about that I can ignore that for now. what DOES bother me is all the original eyes are now Black or non-existent. Imperian, Kahjiet, Argonian, Nord, Breton, High Elf, Dark Elf, Red Guard, and all the starting Races all have solid black eyes. And the half of the Custom Race Mystic Elfs that use the original eyes have no eyes at all. Even Urial Septim has no eyes at all in the game. I have the BSM's backed up and un-packed on my external hard drive, so i just recopied all the character textures and meshes back into the data folder, but to no avail. I do not want to delete and uninstall Oblivion and all the mods all over agian. So if you know whats wrong or what files I am missing, then can you please tell me and point me the the direction that I can get them at?


P.S. all my custom races seem to be having no problems at all after i reinstalled them. Only having trouble with Lattamer and Mystic Elves. Also for some reason I have some Races that I NEVER added before including Skyrim Kahjiet, and some wierd Monkey-Human hybrid race, both of which have sever texture/mesh issues as well as my Dremora Race having the no eye problem.


Any help at all would be appreciated. ty

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Ty so much. I learned that Younger Hotter NPCs was conflicting with my already created Younger NPCs and the Beautiful People/Male Body Replacer was conflicting as well. Once I just activated Younger NPCs and Male Body Replacer, All the eyes returned. So problem Fixed. ty agian
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Actually, if you try updating your Archive Invalidation (depending on what your custom Younger NPCs affects, and if its still installed, what textures it changed) you can run Roberts Male Body replacer and beautiful people side by side, though I've not tried Younger Hotter NPCs with this one.


Launch the OBMM interface and activate the mods. Arrange your load order if necessary, and before you run the game toggle the archive invalidation update. It seems to have nerfed all the colliding/missing textures for me, and I'm still running both mods (newest versions)


I might also give Younger/hotter a try when I get home. I'll have a look at the mod and see what it does.



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