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how buggy is "dragon age" at the moment?


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Had a couple of CTD's, but I was also multitasking. Flicking too fast between screens makes it go bloop.


Had one occasion of Leilana getting stuck in the circle tower. I had cleared it out and was just going to clean up the loot in chests with her. She got stuck on a table in the lowest level library. I just moved her near the wall on the reload.


Oh and I think I have some stuff disappear from my backpack. Mostly potions I have made.


It''s very solid.

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Perhapse i need a patch, it runs fine for awhile but eventually every once in awhile i get the strobe lite effect seems as if its lagging pretty bad when its only taking up 50 percent of my cpu usage and 20 percent of my physical memory. It gets to be real annoying but if i close it and reload its back to normal. Perhapse it has issues with having 2 screens i have a large acer flat monotor and a small samsung monotor where i put my task manager to keep track of things.
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I had a couple of issues with 1.00, mostly in FMVs being choppy with a lot of tearing (sort of like how KOTOR used to be on an ATI card). I downloaded the 1.01a patch, and it's been fine ever since. The only thing I've had since was occasionally a character might forget to leave combat mode when a cut-scene's involved, so they walk and move funny until you next finish a fight. 1.01b might've squashed that bug though.


This is probably the most bug-free-on-release game I've encountered in a while. That says more about the state of gaming than anything else...

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