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SkyUI groups do not equip armor


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Well, I tried the group function of SkyUI and it doesn't work 100% for me.

Switching between the groups does work, except for the chest armor part.


Test setup:


Group 1

Common Shoes

Common Tunic

Travel Cloak, Linen


Group 2

Fur Armor

Fur Boots

Fur Gauntlets

Timber Wolf Skin Cloak


Group 3:

Boiled Leather Cuirass

Ranger Boots

Ranger Bracers

Ranger Hood


From being naked, switching to group one did work:



Switching from group 1 to 2 and 3, does not.

He will not equip the Fur Armor from group 2 or the Cuirass from group 3, although they are in their respective groups.

Note that he does equip the other things in the group:



I tried, to see if it is a load order problem, to put SkyUI as first and last to load in the Mod Organizer, the problem still consists and I am uncertain what to do.

Of course, I am using the latest SkyUI and the current SKSE alpha (1.7 I think?). I tried switching back to the stable SKSE build as well - no joy.


Hope anyone has a clue here...

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  • 1 month later...

I have the exact same problem, if anyone has any information on how to fix this! My first group works fine (its all vanilla armor pieces). My group 2 does not. It only equips the chestpiece (all pieces in group 2 are mod introduced armors).

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