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REQ - Party Walk mod or slow running mod


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Hi im hoping someone familiar with modding bioware games can put together a mod that enables your entire party to walk.

Currently only your main party member can walk. (the rest run/stop/run behind you and its really annoying)


Also is there a way to modify the run speed ? Because i really dislike how my party members sprint when they run. a slow jog would

be much more realistic and fun. (they are wearing armour after all)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Somebody please, is this even possible to do? :wallbash:


I love walking around in games like this, it really makes for great immersion.


Like walking down the road at times, or when you're in a creepy dungeon or crypt.


It makes for excellent suspense and immersion, and anyone who disagrees needs to take their ritalin.

Jogging everywhere makes me feel ridiculous.

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  • 1 month later...

Bumping for support, - I just started my first game and noticed this immediately after Soris joined. Ridiculous is all I can say, - if the designers had decided that no one should walk in the game, why give the player a walk toggle at all? As it is it seems so half-a**ed.


It's such an odd thing to screw up.

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  • 2 months later...

I know that it is possible to change the creature speed (C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\tools\Source\2DA\APR_base.xls) but I think without using a spell there isn't any way of changing the hero's speed. Maybe try something with the effect of Cone of Cold:

eEffect = EffectModifyMovementSpeed(CONE_OF_COLD_SPEED_PENALTY, TRUE);

ApplyEffectOnObject(EFFECT_DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eEffect, oTarget, fDuration, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility);


Or open the spell_constants_h, change the const float CONE_OF_COLD_DURATION = 3.0f; to infinite and cast the spell on your party members. This is the best solution I can think of but perhaps somebody else has a better idea.

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