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Didn't have time to read this all nor will I have to reply to the majority of it now - just pointing out one thing that caught my eye.


Talking about someone (god) being there to start the big bang is IMO adding an useless complication. You have a self-substaining theory, the big bang, adding god into it is just wishful thinking, you can endlessly add extra factors of no relevance into a theory. For example... but maybe there is a god-god who created god, and he is eternal! But maybe that god lives in another world of gods!... that may seem foolish to you, but so is IMO saying god started the big bang. If you adher to that theory being correct - god has no place in it.


IMO science may not be perfect but it shows a clearly logical system to a certain degree, even if it's only showing us bits and pieces and not perfect at all in any way it's still logical and coherent and based on valid data. Christianity, like all religion, is based on a perceived "connection to god/<insert-deity>" and the bible/<insert-holy-rite>, etc... personally I think it has a lot to do with how hard you believe in the authenticity of that. Personally I think it's your own mind playing tricks on you when you "perceive a connection with god", it's wishful thinking making you feel things that aren't there, it's not like it hasn't been proved to happen in various other circumstances. As for the bible - there have been so many religions coming up with their holy rites and passages, why is the bible the correct one? There is no factual data for the bible being true. It's just a book, written by humans, we have no reason to think it was written by a true god other than, yes, wishful thinking IMO...


Humans invented again and again and again and again religions, either for their own personal purposes or they actually believed them for varying reasons, and everytime the people adhering to that religion through time believed it to varying degrees, what I don't get is what possible logic do you have for christianity being true but not the rest?


Now - I've got a fever and it's way past midnight so I'm gonna leave it at that, hehe, hope I made at least medium sense... ;)

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Science is about proof.  No one can prove the existance of God or Jesus........But people who only believe in what they can see and what can be proven, must live in a very boring world, IMO.

Thats were you´re wrong, there are many roman documents that prove the existance of "The king of Jews" at that time.

Nope, my world isn´t boring because there is still much to learn and to discover through science. IMHO the people who only believe what is writen in a book thats already been proved wrong in more than one "ocasion" must live in a very boring and pityful world.

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