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The Same Coin


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The Same Coin

By General Donuts


It was the thing he coveted the most. As he stood in the mirror looking at himself he realized he had lost the thing that made his life have meaning. Ever since he quit three months ago he feels like his life can’t exist anymore. Every night he tosses and turns and moans and groans because he can’t do the thing he coveted the most. He knows it was wrong and he knows he should never do it again, yet he has to. He has to know how superior it will make him feel again. He has to! “I won’t do it again Duke I won’t.” said Jim.

“Why do you fight it so hard Jim? Why? I mean you know you want to do it again, but you don’t think you have the strength anymore. Am I right?”

“How did you know that?”

“Would I be here if I didn’t know that? Believe me I know how bad the hunger can be, trust me I know.” Duke said with a smirk.

“What did you do to stop it?” Jim asked.

“I let it take over… I let it do whatever it wanted to do. And you know what?”


“It felt great.” Duke whispered.

“Really?” Jim asked while he perspired all over his body and let it drip onto his sheets.

“Of course it did. I know how it feels to go it alone. It always feels like there is something missing. Doesn’t it?”

“Yeah it does. It always does.” Jim said slowly.

“So let’s turn that frown upside down and do the thing we love the most… the thing that society hates us for… the thing that we can’t do alone.” Duke said with a grin.

“All right let’s go.”

“Now that’s the Jim I know.” Jim turned around to get dressed. Once he turned around he saw Duke sitting on his bed looking at him.

“Get off my bed Duke.” Duke just sat there. “That wasn’t a request that’s an order.” Duke got off immediately after he said that and got in Jim’s face.

“If you ever talk to me like that again I swear to God I’ll kill you.” Duke said infuriated.

“Not if I kill you first.” Jim said with authority. They both continued to stare at each other, neither one of them blinking.

“Ha ha ha.” Duke started to laugh. “See Jim you still have some guts left in you after all.” Jim looked down and then back up quickly.

“So when are we gonna do this thing?” he asked.

“Right now.” Duke said as he turned around and began to walk towards the door. “Well are you coming or what?”

“Of course I am.” Jim walked over to the door, opened it, and slammed the door shut. They both walked down the hallway of the hotel. The walls were covered with pictures of the place from its earlier years.

“I love what they’ve done to the place, don’t you?” Duke said sarcastically.

“I guess.” Jim said stuttering. They continued to walk until they got to the elevator.

“Why don’t you press the button this time Jim.” Duke said. Jim reached over and pressed the button slowly. “Something wrong Jim?”

“No, no, of course not I’m just a little off today.” Immediately after Jim said that the elevator door opened. Inside stood a very attractive woman wearing a red velvet dress and high heels. She had long red hair, which almost matched the color of her dress, vivid blue eyes, and had on dark red lipstick. “After you Duke.”

“Why I’d be honored.” He walks in like he’s the coolest dude on Earth or something and leans up against the elevator wall like he’s a greaser. Jim just shakes his head and sighs. He walks in like any normal person would and stands next to Duke. “Maybe it should be her… What do you think Jim?” The lady looks back at the two of them and quickly looks back.

“I don’t think so Duke.” Jim says.

“Oh why not it would be fun, you know she would run, and scre…”

“Sorry about my friend Miss he’s kind of a jerk sometimes.” Jim said interrupting Duke. The lady just looks back, smiles, and turns back around.

“Well that was rude.”

“Why can’t you just shut-up?”

“I didn’t say anything.” The lady said.

“Oh no not you, him.” Jim points to Duke. The lady just looks at Jim.

“Oh of course.” The lady says as the elevator doors open. She quickly walks out, throws her purse over her shoulder and turns left as she exits the elevator.

“Told you we should have killed her.” Duke says with his arms crossed.

“You are such an idiot.” Jim says as he walks out. “I want to kill someone who will make me work hard to kill’em and trust me Duke both you and I know that that woman would hardly put up a fight.”

“Yeah you’re right, but it would have been funny to see her trip over her heels while she runs from us.” He says as he starts to laugh. Jim just shakes his head, walks down the lobby, and leaves. Duke follows him. They both walk over to Jim’s car. He owns a 2009 smart car. “You gotta be kidding me.”


“We can’t kill people in that hunk of junk.”

“Why not it’s inconspicuous?”

“Yeah and it’s also lame, tiny as hell, and gay looking.”

“Just get in the damn car.” Jim says frustrated.

“All right I will, but I doubt I’ll fit.” Duke and Jim get into the car at the same time. “So where are we headed?”

“Well I thought we would just drive around until we see someone we might want to kill.” Jim said. He looks over at Duke and Duke looks at him. They both just sit there for a couple seconds and begin to laugh.

“See Jim this is why I like you man. You always find a way to make me laugh.”

“I just thought it might be a good idea to go back to the way I used to do things.” Jim starts the car quickly and begins to drive. He pulls out of the parking lot and makes a left turn. He sees a man and a woman walking down the street holding each others hands. “What about them?” Jim says as he points to a guy walking down the street.

“Nah I don’t like killing couples that much. It always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.” Duke said as he looked for someone else

“Okay how about that guy?” Jim promptly points to a guy walking into a gas station.

“Definitely.” Duke says with a smirk. “So should we use the gun, or the knife?”

“I don’t care.” Jim says as he shrugs.

“Lets just bring’em both. You never know, you know?” As Duke says that Jim pulls into the gas station. Duke throws Jim the gun, and he takes the knife. They both hide them in there coat pockets where no one can see them. They both walk towards the station, their feet in sync with each others, and walk in at the exact same time. Jim looks around a little bit and see’s the guy standing at the fridge looking for a beer.

“Hey Duke, there he is.” Jim says as he points to him. Duke looks where Jim is pointing, and walks over to him.

“Okay good now you go kill the cashier while I kill the guy.”

“What we never said anything about killing the cashier.”

“Well if your gonna kill someone in a gas station you gotta be systematic. I mean, we can’t leave any witnesses behind.”

“Excuse me sir are you okay?” the cashier asks. Jim turns around and looks at the cashier.

“Of course, were fine.” He says. “Look Duke maybe we shouldn’t kill anyone today.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t kill anyone today.” Duke says in an obnoxious and mocking tone. “Listen you little piece of crap. You can’t wimp out on me now, especially when we’ve already come this far.”

“Maybe I don’t want to kill him. I told you I haven’t killed anyone in three months.”

“All right fine if you want to wimp out go ahead I’m not stopping you.” Duke said frustrated. “But let me tell you this if you don’t do this now then you’ll have the hunger of me to deal with for the rest of your life. Where ever you go I’ll be there to try as hard as I can to make you slip. Is that what you really want?” Duke stares at Jim and arches his eyebrows in a threatening manner. Jim looks at the cashier, and then quickly looks back at Duke.

“All right fine I’ll do it.” Jim said slowly.

“Good, now go on do your job and I’ll do mine.” Duke and Jim turn around, look at the cashier, and begin to walk in sync again. Jim eventually walks over to the counter.

“Can I help you?” The cashier asks.

“Yes first get me a pack of cigarettes.” The cashier turns around to get him the pack. As he does that Jim pulls out his gun, and points at the back of the cashier’s head. The cashier turns around and see’s the gun pointed at his face.

“Oh please don’t kill me.” He says “I have a wife and kid, please.”

“Shut-up!” Jim yells. “Now I want you to tell me your name.” As he says that the man Duke is after turns around and see’s Jim pointing the gun at the cashier. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out his phone, and hides behind a stack of cans.

“What?” the cashier asks as he continues to cry like a baby.

“What are you doing Jim?” Duke asks in frustration.

“Would you just shut-up and let me do this my way.” Jim says “Now what the hell is your name?”

“Steven… my name is Steven.”

“Yes 911…” The man says.

“Hurry up Jim he’s calling the cops!” Duke yells.

“We have plenty of time Duke.”

“Who are you talking to?” the cashier asks as he continues to cry, sweat, and beg.

“Shut-up. Now I want you to start to pray for forgiveness.”


“Just do it!” Jim yells as he looks back at the other man to see what he is doing. The cashier begins to pray and Jim cocks back his gun. “Lord forgive me” He says as he pulls the trigger. The bullet hits the cashier in between his eyes. He falls against the wall, and slides down. His blood slides down like water off of a water slide, and his body slides to the ground like a melting glacier.

“Oh my God he just shot him!” The man behind the stack of cans says. Jim gradually turns around and looks at Duke.

“Well are you gonna let me kill him or are you gonna wait till the cops get here?” Duke says in a sarcastic tone.

“Go for it.” Jim says as he turns around and starts to walk to the exit. Duke turns around smiling as he walks over to the man.

“Please hurry I think he knows I’m here.”

“Gee what was your first clue big mouth?” Duke says as he pulls out his knife and grabs the man by his shirt. The man drops his phone and hits Duke in the face. Duke lunges at him with his knife and misses. The man then grabs the hand that Duke has the knife in and begins to force it towards him. Duke grabs his own hand and tries to stop him from stabbing him. The man then starts to push with both hands slowly edging the knife closer and closer to Dukes shoulder. Finally as if with all his strength the man stabs Duke in the shoulder. Duke screams and immediately kicks the guy in the stomach. The man falls backwards and crashes through one of the fridges like a car hitting an eighteen wheeler. Duke quickly and skillfully pulls out the knife and lunges towards the man again. “All right time to die.” As Duke says this he vigorously pokes the knife through the mans throat.

“What the hell is taking him so long?” Jim says as he looks at his watch. Almost simultaneously as he puts his hand down he see’s Duke standing right in front of his car. Duke quickly walks over the passenger seat and gets in.

“Now that was fun.” Duke says. “We should do this again sometime.”

Jim looks at himself in the mirror and see’s a huge bruise on his face, and begins to feel a sharp pain in his shoulder. He realizes what this means and starts the car. He looks back at Duke and starts to drive.

“Good-bye Duke.” Jim says as he speeds up, and continues to look at Duke.

“Why do you fight me so hard Jim?”

The end



Hope u liked it :thumbsup:

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