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Shared Stash


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There has to be a way to create a shared stash, i.e, a chest in game where the player can deposit items into, and when launches the game with a different character, those items are available in the same chest in the same location.


The theory is this: Let's say our mod adds a player home, or cave, or shack, or whatever to the game world. That home is available to all characters while the mod is active. In that dwelling is a chest. When the chest is opened, the mod checks a text file that is created by the mod and placed in the data folder. That text file is modified by the mod whenever an item is placed in or removed from the chest, and it contains a list of items (either by name or ID).


I am currently working on a mod that will make something like a shared stash somewhat of a necessity, and I would be extremely grateful if someone could bring this to the nexus.


I'm not a programmer, but I *know* that this can be done.


Thanks for reading



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