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new CBBE compatible anime character please? shakugan no shana


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hey i would like to make a request for character that work with CBBE mod... its from a anime series called shakugan no shana and the characters name is also SHANA i really want this character


the armor would also be cool if you could add that because character is short so normal armor might look odd if your even able to make them short...


but i dont have the skills to make this mod happen but if anyone can and will take my request please do it will be really awesome and i would be seriously greatful


if you need photos or info or anything just ask me please


the character has really long black hair when in her original form wears a uniform and not much else in the show, the character is very short and small so the CBBE mod would be perfect if it could be compatible with that, when the chaaracter unleashes (or what you want to call it) her hair turns a orange red flame colour and her eyes go from being brown to red/orange also... as well as a black coat which appears on her


i do not know how to mod i never have before and im not very bright in that department but i think this would really be and awesome mod and if anyone would like to assist on then sweet... i know everything about anything when it comes to the character too so i can fill in all the details! maybe you will find this an exciting project

Edited by eucliwood2
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