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How to combine 2 Meshes in Nifskope


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I managed to import a section of one set of armor and place it on a second piece of armor, this works in-game. Now I'm trying to repeat the process and import a Dungeon object onto the Armor, but it won't appear in-game. The closest I got was a black outline appearing directly behind the character (?). These are the steps I'm following:


1: Copy entire branch on the Dungeon 'NiTriStrips'.

2: Paste entire branch on the Armor.

3: Add 1 to children count. Update children list.

4: Include Dungeon 'NiTriStrips' on children list.

5: Right-click Dungeon 'NiTriStrips' and triangulate, making it is a 'NiTriShape'.


Am I missing a step or doing something wrong? And are 2 objects on the same mesh allowed to use different textures?

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  • 7 months later...
I'm sorry to hear your having problems and its a shame you have had no replies, however I just wanted to thank you for posting this as it at least let me learn how to merge meshes :). Good luck! :thumbsup:
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