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Need help with something


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I'm pretty new to modding Oblivion and I was wondering if anyone can help.


I started making a house for myself and I wanted to make it so when I make a new char or load a save

it adds a scroll into my inventory just like in the official plug ins if anyone could help I would be real happy

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Usually, the best way is to make a new quest, make sure the "start game enabled" flag is checked. Define stage 0 and stage 1. Then attach a simple script to that quest.


scn AddingitemsthroughaquestscriptSCRIPT

begin gamemode
if getstage <questname> == 0
player.additem <formID of item> <#>
player.additem <formID of item> <#>
player.additem <formID of item> <#>
player.additem <formID of item> <#>
player.additem <formID of item> <#>
player.additem <formID of item> <#>
setstage <questname> 1


Filling in the spots between "<" and ">" with the appropriate form or value.

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When I go to save the script it says


script 'addingitemstrhoughquestscripScript', line 4:
Missing parameter quest
Compiled script not saved!


any idea what's wrong

Look at line 4... You need to enter the form name of your quest between the <>

Look at line 5-10... You need to enter the form ID of the item you want to add between the <> followed by the number you want to add. You can remove excess lines if you only want to add a single item.

Look at line 11... You need to enter the form name of your quest between the <>



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When I go to save the script it says


script 'addingitemstrhoughquestscripScript', line 4:
Missing parameter quest
Compiled script not saved!


any idea what's wrong

Look at line 4... You need to enter the form name of your quest between the <>

Look at line 5-10... You need to enter the form ID of the item you want to add between the <> followed by the number you want to add. You can remove excess lines if you only want to add a single item.

Look at line 11... You need to enter the form name of your quest between the <>




Thanks for the help I figured out what I was doing wrong when you said between the <> I thought I had to leave them there but I had to remove them and its working fine now thanks alot :)

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