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White Phial Replacer - Design Question


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Ok, so I'm not sure if this is exactly the right place to put this thread - technically it's not a mod request, as I fully intend to make it myself. But I'm looking for some inspiration, and hoping for a bit of feedback.


So here's the thing. I've always felt the white phial was a bit... lackluster. You go to a lot of trouble obtaining (and subsequently repairing it), but not only is the reward pretty unimpressive gameplay-wise, it's also really ugly. Now there are already mods out there that improve the flask's effects, I'm aiming to fix its visuals to be more in line with an ancient artifact. I mean, that tiled, off-white texture will just not do. And the way Nurelion patches it up should be considered a crime!


This will not just be a texture replacer, I plan to swap out the entire mesh with something more unique. I've been considering something like the Light of Earendil (the phial Galadriel gives Frodo in the Lord of the Rings), it's very filigree and elegant. And I can add a glow map! Oh, I love shiny things. But I also like this shape, it's quite different from Skyrim's other potion flasks so it'll stand out a bit more. So which do you prefer? Hopefully someone can convince me of one over the other, because I just can't decide :D


Also, I'm looking for someone who'd be willing to make a pretty texture for my phial replacer. I think I can manage ok on my own, but I'm very new to texturing so it probably won't be that great.

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Awesome, I like this.


One chalice I've always liked is the chalice from Crystal Chronicles for Gamecube. The crystal on the top that slowly drips into the chalice and the design overall.


To make it easier on yourself don't show any liquid inside otherwise you gotta start worrying about which model to show when it's filled vs. not filled. I also like the other shape you provided, the Europa Crystal Decanter. I prefer that over the other.


Perhaps have the Decanter body and the handle to the White Phial is similar to the chalice pic I provided including the crystal at the top that points directly into the phial to insinuate it drips into the phial, refilling it when needed.


Either way whatever you decide I know it will be awesome and I will be one of the first in line to download and endorse.


EDIT: Forgot to mention shine is good. Make it very shiny.

Edited by JobVanDam
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Thanks for the pic, it certainly is an interesting design! I like the crystal idea.


The phial is probably going to be opaque white, maybe I'll add a bit of subsurface parallax for some illusion of depth at most. I'd love to do something transparent and crystalline, but our beloved, dated engine really doesn't handle transparency very well. The upside is that I won't have to worry about showing the liquid, as you said.

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I'm getting nowhere with the texture. White is a horrible colour to work with, I don't know how to add any detail to it without making it look dirty. And without detail it looks flat and unnatural. Gotta face the fact that I'm no texture artist... for the moment this project is officially on ice.

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