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Pokemon Mod


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This is a mod that I am doing by myself but if anyone wants to help that would be fine by me. What started as a simple music change evolved into a complicated quest. My friend had originally wanted me to make it so that whenever a random encounter occurs, the Pokemon encounter and battle music plays. I then took that a step further and decided that it would be awesome to have to find the pokemon in the wild, kill them, and then loot their corpse for their pokeball. You can then put the Pokeball on the Pokeball Collectors Stand in your house and switch out which one you want as a companion. I haven't made a final decision on which pokemon are going to be in the game but I do know that I want Machoke ( a clone of Fawke's but with a different model and w/o the weapons ability.), Pikachu, and Poochyena ( a clone of dogmeat with a different model). If anyone would like to help, you can email me at [email protected] or just respond here. All contributors will get recognized in the "Credits.txt"
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