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Slight problem....


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What do you mean by "Can't use?"


I don't know about the Inebriation mod, but I do know that the apple press requires a certain number of apples, which means it is probably looking for a certain ID. Make sure you are trying it with vanilla apples.

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I mean the apple press doesn't do anything when I try to activate it, I tried with about 30 apples in my inventory and nothing happened, then I tried to activate it without any apples in my inventory and a message popped up saying I needed at least 3 apples.
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The only food related mod I use adds some moldy food to lower-class containers. I've tried with apples from merchants, I think I'm just going to give up on trying to use the apple press, its the only thing in the mod that doesn't work and it doesn't affect game play so it doesn't bother me too much. Besides I guess I'd rather use them to make potions/poisons.


Thanks for the help everyone. :thanks:

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