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Textures for stock armours


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Basically, I'm looking (very hard I might add) for specific retextures. Now I have looked pretty hard but have only come up with the fewest of the few.


What I want is retextured stock armour, as in the Gold and Black texture of Ebony, but placed on the other armours such as steel or glass and what have you. And the same for all the rest.


Is this even possible, or would one have to manually repaint them to make them not look crazy.


Could someone give me an example of what Steel would look like if the Ebony were placed on it, even haphazardly?


I've always wondered why this was never done, seeing as most people still use the stock armour, wouldn't it be nice to mix and match parts from other armours and have them match colour?

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If you repainted the armor, you could do lots of cutting and pasting. You could use the eyedropper to grab colors from the old texture to put on the new. You can do a lot of cool things really quickly with the filters. Gimp is awesome! If you want to change the textures of armor, all it would take is time and patience, and there would be lots of people who would download your mods.
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I've always wondered why this was never done, seeing as most people still use the stock armour, wouldn't it be nice to mix and match parts from other armours and have them match colour?

Its not done because the texture maps that are used on one armor do not necessarily have regions that look right on another armor, as mentioned. Although you can play around with the texture mapping in 3d studio or blender to make one armor mesh use the texture from another, it is one of those things that requires rather specific skill to do, and doesn't always look very good. The fact that some of the armor texture maps are in several small pieces and are a royal pain to do anything with doesn't help. It's usually much easier to just create a new texture that looks similar.


As for what it might look like...


Keep in mind, only the chest portion is done, and I happen to be one of those with that skill. It's also a view from 3dstudio's render, so wouldn't look like that in game. As for the actual armor, there are still some areas which would never look right, particularly the belt area, but probably others as well.

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