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Selfmade Class Mod: Class images


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Hi there ^^ I once posted a similar topic but now it is getting even more not understandable for me...

I hope somebody can help me.


I am recently creating a new range of Classes for Oblivion.

The integration works, adjusting the stats and abilities works but i got a problem

with creating the new class images...

They are not displayed neither in the status menu nor in the class creation menu.


Once i already created a image for a class. It did show up in the class creation menu... but not

in status menu and now nothign shows up, instead the standard graphics show.


Here some infos what i have already tried:


DDS - Images Formats:

Default, DXT3 and DXT 5

three several colors as transparency

Merging all layers

creating it from a jpg

creating it with a original character dds - file as basic

generating mip maps YES and NO

Image size always 512x512 (Folder: Data/Textures/Menus/Level_up/class_creation)

Filename always = class_creation_myclassname



I always chose it in the TES CS and there its displayed.

I deactivated some add ons but it didnt change anything.

I regularly saved all data

Info: The character Information is always displayed in the screen.


Anybody has an idea what am I doing wrong?

Or has at least a very good guide how this image system works?

I found a guide and did everything told there but it didnt help.


Thank you all for your efforts.

I look foward to a soon reply :)

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