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Getting glowmaps to work


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I'm currently retexturing power armors and adding new ones with new textures too. However, I'm having an issue.



I'd like to try out a glowmap, but somehow I just can't get it to work. I'm pretty sure my textures are right, but perhaps I'm overlooking something small. The textures I generally have are as follows:


- powerarmor.dds (the general texture with highlights for the glow area, no alpha)

- powerarmor_n.dds (the normalmap, with alpha for more/less gloss)

- powerarmor_g.dds (the glowmap which is just black except with the glow highlights from the normal diffuse texture, no alpha)


Now, in the GECK I make a textureset with

- Diffuse: powerarmor.dds

- Normal/Gloss: powerarmor_n.dds

- Glow/Skin/Hair: powerarmor_g.dds


Then I create a new armor item, choose the standard powerarmorcomplete.nif file and apply the textureset.



I figured this would be it and the glowmap will do it's job, but somehow I must be overlooking something.


Anyone who has any idea please?

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Try that:


Open the armor in NifTools and modify each parts which shall glow. To do that, go into the NiMaterialProperties node and set a emissive color. Make sure the Emit Mulit is set to 1 or above (the higher the numer the more intense the emissive will be).


Save this armor and use it with your TextureSet or add you glow texture ahead inside NifTools to the BSShaderPPLightingProperty -> BSShaderTextureSet (a glow texture has to be set into the third column below the normal texture). Now the TextureSet won't be needed anymore.


Make sure to update the NiMaterialProperties and BSShaderTextureSets for each part, if they don't share global ones.

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