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Race Description bug...


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So, I'm running a whole lotta mods, and I mean a whole lotta mods (I've even merged a few of the armour/weapon mods into a new shop for my own use to knock down the counter, and because it looks naff I'm not gonna release it, plus I don't have permission yet) including several custom race mods, and I figure it must be one of these thats causing the issue... see, everything else is fine, but my Dark Elf... well, his race name and description are displaying in German. True, it doesn't really affect my gameplay in the slightest, every other single stat and their descriptions, and all the language files, sound files, and everything else are still in English, but I was wondering if this was a known issue or if I've excelled myself and broken something in a completely new and exciting way!

If it is a known issue with one mod, or a conflict between a couple of custom races as I suspect is more the case, I could do with knowing, and if a fix doesn't exist I'll try to botch one together for release, or knock up a workaround.


Thanks in advance for any feedback.



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Actually I didn't.

I found it. Its not "specifically" a german mod, at least I don't think it is and the description is in English, but its "The Kamael" custom race mod, which adds the Kamael race from Lineage II. Actually found it quite by accident whilst playing with the CS trying to update a few things in preparation for (yet another) new toon. Thanks for the help anyways. 8)

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