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Skyrim SkyUI MCM menu not showing


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Here is the Solution!! Whoohoo! (sorry guys but i´m so happy!!)


Here is the link to the forum for skyui. a guy report his solution. here is the link->



search for "dukefred" on page two.

he post something about the properties and the security tab but please i´m so happy i can´t tell you at my own.


then i must change something in nmm. check it out for your own!


because for the inventory skyui i need skyui versions 2.2 and 4.1.

before only 4.1 didnt work and mcm doesnt shows up in the esc-menu.


so yeah i did reinstall All my other mods too, and now i install it mod for mod and try if it work. my first testmod was achieve that!


so i didnt have time for you because i must install install install Mooods!


bye! (and sorry for the retard english, i try to think in english and wrote but it is not my first language.) smile

Edited by gelini89
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  • 10 months later...

... i was ready to sy i have the same problem, and i thought about something ....


AT EACH tile i tried to see the kyUI i staid always on the very first menu of the game, using ESC during the intro scene !


When does the menu appears ?


Thanks Everybody



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AT EACH tile i tried to see the kyUI i staid always on the very first menu of the game, using ESC during the intro scene !

What?!!???!!?!? Can you try to say what you meant again?


Anyways, SkyUI should be seen when either using magic or item menu... If it looks like vanilla skyrim you didn't do it right.

MCM is a new option in the ESC menu right after settings.


If you don't see either : SkyUI might not be installed properly or SKSE isn't running. Yes you might have installed it all right but sometimes files can are disabled by windows because they're downloaded and windows think they're unsafe so you need to right click them, open properties and unblock.

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