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Roaming bandits/ other stuff (request)


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Daer to whom ever,


Was playing skyrim and there are constant attacks by wild animals and spiders, one thiefe, and a


brother hood hit man. But what i always thought of as strange that during a civil war there are higher concentration of


bandits roaming the roads, and in towns. In skyrim there are no real bandits, thieves, robbers, or thugs looking for


extortion in cities or randomly on the road just in camps, caves, some forts, and occasionly a random event. Now in


the 13th century during the hundred years war no one was ever nice people we scared, paranoid, and cautious of


others on the road. What i am basically getting at to add immersion to the game are bandits ex-mercinaries,


ex-soldiers, thugs, and some gangs to skyrim. not just outside the walls of cities but inside the city as well where they


show up from time to time during the day or night in secluded area of the city or along the road. the game is generally


harmless. But the threat of possible death inside the city, or on the road cause honestly instead of oh lets pitch camp


here next to a well used road, no worries we are safe. no instead BAM middle of the night your sleeping in your


comfortable night gown, guy see oh well hot chick alone camping hmm comes over, dam girl you got some serious


mula and junk to make me a millionaire, takes your gear and money, gropes you a lil while you sleep and runs off. next


morning you awake the only thing you have is maybe your knife, a few coins, your night gown, and other personal


affects you hid. same with taverns and cities you have to be careful people steal crap all the time. now to make this


harder dont put a quest marker to find the crap but make it so you never make that mistake again. also with the bandit


attacks, travelling between cities during a war is nerve racking you have to watch yourself all the time cause most


bandits scavenge from dead soldiers after a battle or skirmish, or hit patrols to take stuff. they are not going to be


wearing furs, or junk tin armor but good stuff like legion stuff, or stormcloak chain cuirass. they see you in your fancy


Daedric armor, beautiful dragon bone great sword, and lucious new jewlery and they going to ambush you and take


your crap, and leave you completely stark naked with only a blanket to cover yourself if your lucky. inside sities there


are ex-soldiers, and mercenaries that are pissed and feel abandoned cause they were discharged without pay cause


war is costly the state confiscated thier property and goods, also some thugs will be with them or the down trodden


wanting to eat each night and have a place to sleep not wanting to be a beggar. they are gonna roam the streets or


out side the city while the world sleeps and look for easy picking now i know your the dragon born all mighty powerful


pimp that has a harem of 10 women, billions in gold, 8 house and property in the vale, but what if these bandits were


not push overs meaning these ex-soldiers and merc, thugs and more were well equipped since most were soldiers and


they were difficult to kill and fought as groups of 3-5. see where i am going I am hoping that some one will take these


very basic ideas and do something with it. the nexus has many great mods no doubt but i have tried them even went


to lovers lab after being told to try dangerous nights althou that and organized bandits worked great both mods just


lacked that feeling of its dangerous out here. also lovers lab submit was another good one but still lacked. i just


wanted a more this is war and you should be careful its not a hay day. i dont like the fact that i am dragon born and i


can kill 100 men in one blow thanks to dual combat realism that aint the case but still too safe out in skyrim. please if


at some one make this young man happy i'll give you a cookie.

Sincerely JC

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