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Robert male and female bodies


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Hello, this is going to be my first post, I brought Oblivion GOTY deluxe edition, played around on it for a long time and now I am trying different mods out. The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to get the robert bodies to work no matter how hard I try and re-do it. I can get other mods to work fine, just not these, specifically the naked versions :D


I have tried searching for anything that might help me but I cannot find anything, can anyone explain to me how to install it or a link that tells me. Sorry for the dumb question and if this has already been answered many times before.

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It's not a dumb question. You're new and those mods are not installed like the regular ones.



Body replacers are literally replacers. You have to go into your Data folder and actually find the files of the body meshes and replace them.



The typical path is:


(Your Oblivion install folder)\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male


Even the female ones are in there. Find the following files:











Now make a new folder in there, called original body meshes, and cut and paste all those files into it.


Now, go into your zip archive for Robert's bodies, and extract the Meshes folder and the Textures folder, as well as the esp, straight into your Data folder. Overwrite everything, and don't worry, because you backed up the originals already so you're good.


Then enable the esps and play. (You may not need to enable the esp. You've replaced files, so it wouldn't really make any difference, but the esp probably serves some other function. I enable it.)



If it still doesn't work, then I don't know what to tell you.

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Ok, I have tried both ways and neither will work for me.


When I go into the data folder of Oblivion, there is no meshes folder there, I brought this game off Steam, could this be part of the problem?

its possible,I've no idea as to how steam relates to modding.you should have bought the disc

did you activate the mod using OBMM.you must activate it for it to work

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Steam or not, you won't see any /meshes or /textures in /data after clean install, because all vanilla resources(except movies, bgm, shaders) are packed into .bsa files. If you got OMOD, just install it via OBMM. If it is regular archive files such as .zip, .rar, or .7z, extract it into /data(though I recommend to extract it somewhere else first, because some mods have several extra options, or some mods are packed with 'odd' directory structure).
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