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The Loreibble Books Mod


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I, Demitry, not collin, will be happy to write for, I have had a number of books published for my talented writing skills


And by a number, I mean 3.




It was a cold night in the nordic capital. Me and my legionnaires were looking for a band of Nordic rebels who had planns to overthrow the empire. Vicerus's face was turning blue, and you could tell by his eyes all he could think about was making a round trip home. Every breath set fire in our lungs, our hand, so red. I hear the distant howl of wolves, and think to myself, how? how could any being survive this?

My thoughts were short lived, as Vicerus clapsed, from the cold. Vicerus and I had been through evrything togeather, the ashland uprisings in Vvardenfell, The vampire plague of Valenwood, and the great Zombie uprising in blackmarsh. This man, this noble man had laughed in the face of death on numerouse occasions, and yet here he was, brought to his knees by the cold. The ungodly cold. I screamed at him, oh how I told him. "You will not die here. Repeat after me. I will not die here!" His eyes looked at me. I saw the determination, the mind wanted to, but the body?

How convenient that it should be than that Norja and her gang of rebels should jumps us. They were near naked! How, how could they be barely clothed in the same cold that brought a long time legionnire to shame? I pulled my sword, and so I and was about to swing when I saw it. By the nine it ws beautifull!

It descended upon them with a blind fury. I have no Idea what it was, but where it went, death followed. It killed Garnerath, and than I knew that it was on no ones side. I threw Vicerus over my shoulder, and we ran, we just ran. When asked what happened, I tried to explain, it had the body of a woman, only with wings. It swoope in and killed, killed everything it saw. I know not what to call it, for I have not seen one before, nor since the icident, in skyrim. In the cold.



I hoped this is a like something you are looking for. Keep in mind I wrote this in 15 minutes, no planning, so it may not be the greatest work, but it's a sample of my writing style.

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