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Exporting to nif problems


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Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could help me a bit with a couple errors I receive on two separate projects I've been working on past couple of weeks with Blender. Two separate errors on two separate weapons that I have been working on... and I do not know what I'm doing well enough to figure it out just quiet yet since I have just recently started using blender.



"Some Faces o [OBJECT ID HERE] are not assigned to any body part. The Unassigned faces are selected in the mesh so they can be easily identified."

Here is a picture of the model that this error code comes from that I've been working on.





"Non-uniform scaling not supported. Workaround: apply size and rotation (CTRL-A) on '##Pivot01' "

Here is a picture of the model that this error code comes from that I've been working on.


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Your first problem is when an item has vertices that aren't weight painted and applied to a specific bone. The second is caused when you do z,x,y scaling instead of full scale. To fix the first you will have to find the veritces that aren't weighted to a bone they should become selected once you exit the error. You can see them once in edit mode. You will then have to weight paint them to a bone. You will have to look up a tutorial for weight painting and rigging. As well as you will have to import a fo3 skeleton to weight to. The second one should work if you hit CTRL-A. Altho i believe ##Pivot01 this is a bone node. You should remove all of those as they aren't proper bones.
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If anyone is interested I have a Nif file ready to be imported to Fallout. I just tried but sorta failed, so im asking for outside help for this.


The Model I wish to import to fallout is a Compresstion Rifle Style GUn based on the Startrek Phaser Rifles. The Mesh itself is from TrekMeshes.com.


Slider MC (http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showuser=1137519 ) converted the file from 3ds max to .nif, I have the tools but not the knowhow. Thanks to Slider, we are one step closer to installing this weapon into Fallout. Oce all the basics are sorted, I will do the legal responsiblities and ask for perimission. I should ask straight away but I think its best once the importation is done.


Can somebody port this weapon : http://i412.photobucket.com/albums/pp208/Zombieukewum/riflepic.jpg


Be ever so greatful. Thank yous.

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I got them both to nifs now, by exporting them both as objs and imported the objs and re-exporting them as nifs..... But now.... the Fist weapon doesn't animate and the wrist blades don't show up at all on the character when equipped.... I'm like omg right now :wallbash:

Like life is, one thing leads to another....

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@ zombieUK - Make a new thread in the the general mod section if your asking for help on doing it yourself. If you are looking for someone else to add it ingame post in the request section. Id do the model for you myself but I'm working on a request for another person right now. Also u don't have the permissions taken care of therefor if i did the model i couldn't give it to u until the permissions where met. If you can get the permissions I can do it for you.


@ Bleolakri - I'm not sure what you mean by doesn't animate what sort of animation was it supposed to have? As for the wrist blades take some screen shots it will make it easier to diagnose the problem. Are you using the nifs exported directly from blender or did you move your exported nif data onto an already preexisting nif?

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