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Is there a mod for NV that gives u a option to create ur own faction & changes the picture cut scene in the end if u crate ur own faction & will rule Vegas not Solo but with ur faction, u can be NCR Ally, but ur in control, they may accept it if u want order like they, it dose not matter if ur rules are bit different, i guess it means it add 1 new ending, & u with ur own faction do rule better then any1 else


i like to know is there a mod that allows me to create my own faction


ok new i talk what would i like to see in that kind of a mod more, but whats above is more important, u have what is similar to Neverwinter Knight 2 & DAO Awakening Keep System, u have dialogue & u make rules, set rules from Dialogue, so u create the faction the way u want it to be, not like u create faction & all follow u blindly, then it would miss consequences, u can offer protection to towns at first & recruit more people then when u have more u can offer protection to more towns, there is 2 ways, nice way & criminal way, u force ur protection on them, some may refuse first, but when NCR fails they turn to u fit their problems (it means quests), not saying NCR will be kicked out from a town by some gang, but people suffer to much & so they turn to u, & u can make the prison ur base, also u can make more bases & use even abandoned Vaults for it, kick gangs out & make it ur base, & awry base will have a commander who u chose, but u need to chose well, if u do not chose well 1 of ur bases turns in to a bad gang over time, at least u have corruption, u will start to hear rumors until it turns in to quest & u half to stop 1 of ur own base commanders, its possible & it may not happen, learning about some1 & some1 past is key to lowers the chance of that happening, but like in real life, u mite be fooled by some1, u mite not be able to learn all cause its not a quest so u ton't know who mite know that person, but its good if u find some1 who know the person, then u mite learn something new what he or she did not tell u, & if that person tell something bad about him or her then it turns in to quest, cause then u need to investigate it, cause how can u trust 100% some1 u just met? u also will say how meany guards each town will have & u can always add more guards to town if there is a need, ur guards or people or both will say if more is needed, that they pearly trow a gang away, it was to close call, also guards will have shifts, some are at night & some in a day, u also need to build how to call it a barracks were guards sleep, u can make u group even like this, most criminal will be front of a judge, but if u see a hole criminal gang u can gun them down on site, if its known gang, example raiders, u u put all in jail u will rune out of room in no time, worse need to be executed, & the ones NCR is hunting u can turn them over to NCR & u also get money for them, also u can make a rule for prisoner transfer, is some friends try to save their buddy then ur men have order to kill the prisoner, so in time no1 will try to rescue their comrade in crime cause they know that their comrade will die, only 1 bold enough to try would be the Khans & Legion, stronger groups, u can also assist ur men with prisoner transfer, its like optional unmarked quest & not in ur guest log, u just get XP from it at the end + XP if u kill stuff on the rode



& u build places like with sub machine gunner for town's


it means a new type of sub machine gun will be in game what is to heavy to use unless u build something like in this picture, u can use sand bags or rock or concrete blocks to build that defense place, u can also build a Bunker, u can also use droid technology, some droid guards to for support


it means few new endings, 1 is cause ur own faction & other few how u build ur faction, are u a bandit faction or good faction & are ur taxes high normal or low, high taxes will cause some to move away & that is mentioned in the end, like when u side with NCR it was say'd old people left cause their taxes are to high for them, But they managed to keep the order, no idea how meany endings, but game requires more then 1 new ending with that type of a mod

Edited by Sugram
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There's no mod that lets you create a faction, but you can create one from scratch in the GECK. I wouldn't say it's easy. Actually, creating the faction is easy, but the tricky parts are assigning it's members and setting up how every other faction in the game will react with that faction. Of couse, the hardest part of using the GECK is finding the places where you can do the things you want to do.


Actually, a mod that makes this much easier would be an AWESOME thing to have. I hope that someone reads this and makes it happen.

Edited by 3rdtryguy
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