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AntAgonizer needs some tweaking...


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Here's the thing...


I personally don't believe some girl survived an Ant attack and then just hung out with them and managed to live in a cave with busted junk furniture eating people.....but... made that sick costume? Here's what I think is a better idea...


At the end of the quest, either you kill her or convince her to give up her costume. With it, you get a note with coordinates which adds a map marker between DC and Cantebury. It tells of the original AntAgonizer. When you get there, you find a real hideout with a terminal locked door. Near it you find a few dead ants and a skeleton (the original AntAgonizer).


The note says Tanya's parents were killed by RAIDERS who ambushed her family. The aging AntAgonizer went to her rescue with the add of some near by ants, scaring the raiders off, but dying in the process. Tanya takes the costume but, without the prowess to hack the main door, can't get into the hideout. A mod already exists to make the helmet align you to the ant faction.


When you open the door you find the equivalent of a Batcave Fallout 3 style. This means a shelter with the bedroom and kitchen and bathroom and all that but, a hidden switch that raises a wall leading ant tunnel which in turn leads to a weapons locker built into a cave. In it are side display counters with lights for gear, storage, and two manquins with gear on them. Heres the fun part..


What about a stealth AntAgonizer suit made with a darkened ant helmet, arm guard and chest plate but, crossed with chinese stealth armor? How about power armor with the Antagonizer sholders, arm / leg guards, helmet with a breather and belt buckle?


A side room should contain the work station / lab / first aid all set up with tables and display counters for rare items and mementos from arch enemies you've killed. It makes more sense than having it crammed in the living quarters. Atleast one display area should have ant meat / nectar from both species and queen pheromones.


At that point your free do be a hero, villain, anti-hero, whatever. I suggest vigilante killer. ;)

...Oh... and to hell with the Mechanist. He's brutal. He can build robots but, he wears a bucket? WTF is that? lol

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heh, heh... awesome. I tweaked her suit a bit to make it more worth getting, and another guy converted it into the blue suit the Tick wears, but this is just neat-o in the extreme. I'd leave out the stealthsuit part so people without OA could still use it.


I think it'd be great. I had another thought... why not spruce up the old AntAgonizer's Lair? Take out all the crap, rubble, and skeletons. Have the so called 'throne' have a terminal that activates a sliding wall in the back which leads to a shelter with a main 'batcave'-esque room, a lab room on the left and a bedroom on the right. Have the main terminal add map markers to optional places of interest, a 'mission statement' from the original AntAgonizer, and the ability to activate turrets in the metal corridors. The roof entrance is opened by key but, if someone tries to break in the front, they have to run the guantlet just to get to 'throne' room.


This way Tanya could 'inherit' the AntAgonizer gimmick as described above but, lack the no-how to REALLY take advantage of it.


I set of Power Armor would be sufficient form 'heavy combat' missions. A stand-alone steal suit would be rad. No invisibility but, bonuses to stealth and perception. Give it an assassin feel. The original suit is okay as starter armor with your improvements (I think I'm running your mod) but, is sorta like the classic batsuit. It belongs on display. A 'Mk II' suit that replaces the brown sections with something that looks more like the a brown chinese stealth suit would be awesome.. Kinda like how Batman Begins has a great home-made bat suit but, in the second, he updates to a more functional modern looking suit. With all the tech in F03 lying around, it isn't a stretch.


What would really rock is to get Gajune's permission to have a special mod of the Skewer (two handed Shish) and name it the 'Save The Queen' lol :).

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