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Collision Problem


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I have a book shelf i created and am trying to get into my mod but collision won't work.


I've watched/read every tutorial, followed it exactly, and on one of my other models that i did the exact same thing with, it works.


EVEN choosing "bounding box" for the static model collision options won't work!


what does that mean? if even the bounding box, which ignores all collision models and just uses a box arround the entire model, dosn't work, what does that mean?

Screenshot: Collision Options


In-game i can just walk through the model as if it dosn't exist.

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AFAIK you dont need to do any sub-coll stuff. To get collision working on a SIMPLE mesh. Just make a lowpoly collision convex shape that encapsulates your mesh. (a really boxy generic shape with not many triangles, 50 is too many).


Then apply a BHKRigidBodyModifier to that mesh.


Then select it and your mesh and export. Boom collision is exported.


BUT You arent out of the woods yet. In Nifskope, look for a YELLOWOUTLINE this represents your havok collision shape you just made. TO get it to show in Nifskope (if it isnt already) go to Rendering, Show Havok.


Collision shapes can be copy and pasted-over eachother from one file to the next for easy content-swapping. Just gotta expand the Collision blocks until you get to the last one, should be like BsCollisionShape or something like that... ( i cant recall the name offhand), just paste over with another one if you want to swap coll from one file to the next.

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