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Wearable Holotags?


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rofls. Ive been doing some tests with the file and I've run into a couple snags mainly with rigging. But I'm close to a release. because u were all patient i will be including a few suprize goodies for you guys too. But first i need to run out a town for a little and ill be back to work on it some more later tonight. Look for a release sometime between 3-5 am or tomorrow sometime.
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I'm not gonna lie to you guys i cheated on you with some other projects and didn't work on the tags till about a hour or 2 ago I'm ashamed :(... but it was only because we were fighting and your tags where being stubborn. BUT I finally got a rough draft of the tags in game and working. I was having a problem with the rigged mesh not showing up in game, as well as some strange mirror problems when pasted into its vanilla nif. Turns out the original file in blender got corrupted somehow so i had to do a couple extra steps to save the mesh but all the rigging and non in game displays problems are now fixed as well as the weird mirror bug. Now all's that's left is fine tuning the position and I might have to re UV map then it should be ready for a release. I'm going to have to redo the materials and possibly re UV map i haven't checked if the UV's are there or not. Then its just fine tuning and release and then you guys get to throw all your complaints and bugs at me for some further fine tuning. I'm going to sleep though and in the morning i need to go out of town again for a while. Not sure when ill be back but sometime in the afternoon to evening I'm guessing. Then a few hours later it should be done and ready unless my CSS team hijacks me then don't expect a release till later in the night :sweat:
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Ok so they are practically done the materials are made and the tags are in game textured. BUT there's gonna be problems with positing Depending on the outfit u wear. I have made the tags to fit a naked body or a body with a really flat mesh like the reference picture tank top. anything else will begin to clip so yea...What should i do about this?
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