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Wearable Holotags?


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Well, I've always figured that when you wear tags, you'll put them under most of the armors offered in the game. Personally, I'm perfectly fine with them being visible over tank tops and thin clothes, and hidden in thicker leather armors and such. As long as they're perfectly visible over the merc grunt fatigues, I'll be very happy.
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hey guys i was reading this whole topic yes i know i am bored...

incredebly these are the best tags so far every where and i didn't even see them in game

it would be amazing if you can finish them here's a link to a merc outfit...

but since they are like army holotags best to modify them for a combat armor or make two version one inside the cloths one outside....

http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Merc_Outfit.png -this a merc

and this is a combat armor - http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:FO3_Combat_Armor.png


keep up the good work ecksile ! ;D

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MMMMK so here's wut ill do. I will make a version that sits over the merc outfit in the latest provided picture and anything smaller with out looking like its to much off the player. And then i will just release the tags as a modders resource for anyone who wants to make them compatible with other armors. Ill do some more work on the tags later today still some fine tuning to be done but ill try to take a few in game pics. I might include a couple more colors for the displays as well as i love variety and customizationableness.
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that outfit dosen't really look like a merc outfit.......looks more like the wasteland doctor outfit

still as long as there will be tags in the game that would be awsome...

ohh and btw would the tags interfere with wearing glasses? or that goul mask? like they can't both be on?

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The tags will be using the necklace slot so unless either of those uses that slot then no. Otherwise the only thing it should interfere with is the slave collar.
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