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Wearable Holotags?


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I'm not doing rigging but rigging is no easy task. I had to reformat my computer cause i got conficker from skool. It spread to all my harddrives. So i had to backup everyting and reformat each harddrive 1.5tbs over 5 harddrives and around 400gb to backup or delete. I just got done reinstalling all my games yesterday and now i need to do all my applications. I don't have any blender or anything installed. so i cant work on anything.
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My condolences on the computer. I can empathize. I'm sure the last thing on your mind right now is hashing out a mod for a bunch of strangers. I'll hit you back up at the start of the new year. Hopefully, you'll be settled enough then or soon after; and then we'll finally have some awesome wearable holotags! Have a good Xmas, man. And thanks for all the work you've done so far.
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  • 2 weeks later...
No i haven't gave up just haven't had time. The little work I've done for fallout the last few days was just with geck for personal projects i just installed blender and nifskope the other day. I was having more problems with the mesh i tried to work on it the other day and think ima have to start with a brand new nif. For some reason the old nif even tho i have replaced the tristrips data and removed the nodes as well removed all instances of it being rigged it still somehow remains rigged in game even though the nif itself is a static so i will have to start from scratch nif wise. I start skool tuesday so i will start getting too busy for modding again. I will try to finish this before skool takes over again if for some reason i cant finish it before then i will release what i have as modders resource.
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I'm not gonna be able to work on this at all for a while guys. I'm gonna be taking a break from modding fallout3 life has just piled it on so i wont have any time. Im srry =/. Feel free to remove any kudos if you added them. I will release all my work in multiple formats as a modders resource. If anyone has any questions or is willing to take a crack at this and has some trouble feel free to hit me up for any questions. I will answer to the best of my ability. If i do manage to get some free time i might have another shot at it but i don't expect anything within at least the next few weeks.
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