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Tron Bonne's Beacon Bomb gun


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Okay, Tron Bonne is a villain from the Mega Man Legends series who also had her own PS1 game called The Misadventures of Tron Bonne. In that game, she pilots a mech that can attack but her signature weapon is basically a flare gun that directs her robot henchmen Servbots to attack enemies, grab items, or just move to the spot she fires at.



Now, in Fallout 3, I really like the RobCo Certified mod that lets you form your own robot army of up to five robots (I generally get five Protectrons because they are less likely to get stuck somewhere) but maneuvering them around and directing them toward enemies is a pain. I tend to play my Mad Scientist as not so much of a fighter (use those skill points on lockpicking and science and stuff to grab as much loot as possible... and why waste points with a gun when my robot minions can hold off wave after wave of feral ghouls?)


But, directing them is a pain because they tend to follow close to me when they really should be leading the way (I sometimes have to push them forward into a room so that they run into the enemies first and draw their attention.)



In short, I would like a weapon that fires a mini-tracer or something that tells my Followers to run ahead toward that spot so that they run into all the enemies and traps while I hang safely back. I suspect that it would be something like a grenade that makes a very small and weak explosion that deals next to no damage and takes slightly longer to blow up than a regular grenade. If it lands on the ground, my allies run towards it to investigate and then start attacking any enemies they see. If it hits an enemy... well allies automatically attack enemies I attack so there's no need for extra code.



It would make it easier to play a Mad Scientist by being able to control the robots I make while staying safely back during a fight. Also, if my allies start getting stuck in places and blocking my path to escape then I could use a beacon to get them out of the way. I don't have any experience in coding but hopefully there should be a way for the beacons to effect any followers so that even people like Fawks and RL-3 would follow them.

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