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Simple Animation Activator Needed


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Well im back to Fort Death, thought id try to finish it with what time i can get myself to mod again.. no im not back to full fledged modding. Anyways, i am making a stand-alone mod to test out how it will all go before implimenting it in fort death. Both Fort Death and this mod need one VERY SIMPLY animation for those who know how to do activators.


There is a part in both mods where a ship will be "sailing." Since of course it would be pointless to make the ship ACTUALLY sail for what should be less than 1 minute of gameplay in this quest stage, putting it in a baren sea worldspace with storm weather is much easier. However, here is what is needed.


To make the apperance of actually sailing we need a simple animation using vanilla rock meshes and some other rubble we can come up with later to simply move at a steady speed, not too fast, not too slow, foward. Or whatever direction doesnt matter so long as its only ONE direction. It will be kind of.. well. REALLY.. spaced out. A few rocks here moving foward, then one other alone or whatever, but in a loop. Long enough to have 3 different sets of rocks (or boulders really) move from far ahead, to far out of sight, and then loop, with enough space in the middle of this happening for a ship. This will give the appearance of the ship sailing by having the surroundings going to opposite direction of the illusion of the ship's direction. I might not be stating this very well and can go into further detail, all i need to know is if someone with even novice skill at activator making meshes and animation to vanilla meshes, VERY BASIC animation, is willing to spend 5-10 minutes on this with full credits in both fort death AND the standalone mod.


Again for summary, all it is is rocks and rubble using vanilla meshes and textures moving in one direction and looping at a point where you can not tell it actually JUST looped when playing so to give the illusion of moving through the seas.


Thanks for the time in reading this, sorry it was a bit elongated with little overall details. VERY tired atm lol.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: If you don't know what fort death is, search it in tesnexus. There is a BETA up with all the basic and primary functions up and working, just with reletively no questline and lore. Its actually really good mod in and of itself even in beta. But still, it should give somewhat of a referance of what i am talking about.

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hey ranokoa I get what you mean but maybe you could do it more simple, just put a lot of fog and some good sound for the water.


What you say can be done, simply making the ship faces north and moving the rocks in a loop, north to south. And that isn't done with animations, you'd have to change the position of those rocks by script, every frame. The major problem I see is if the player falls to the water, he'll still besides the ship, and rocks will come like floating and carried by the river, wich might look weird.

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Ok, I gave it a try. Here's a



As you can see the moving objects look a bit weird, but that should be hardly noticeable if there's a lot of fog around the ship.


Right now the script just loops over and over again, but if you'd add some kind of timer or move the objects in groups it'd look more realistic.


The distance an objects travels before it resets and the speed it travels at can easily be adjusted. It's not hard to add more objects either.


This script must be attached to a quest, of course. ;) Objects can simply be placed in a worldspace and will move along the X axis.


Scn ArgMovingRubbleScript

Short DoOnce
Float fQuestDelayTime

Ref Object1
Ref Object2
Ref Object3

Float CurrentPos_x1
Float CurrentPos_x2
Float CurrentPos_x3

Float StartPos_x1
Float StartPos_x2
Float StartPos_x3

Float EndPos_x1
Float EndPos_x2
Float EndPos_x3

Float ResetDistance
Float Speed

Begin GameMode

If GetStage [QUEST] == [STAGE];<--- So it won't run when it isn't needed
If DoOnce == 0
	Set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001

	Set Object1 to [REF];<--- Change reference here
	Set Object2 to [REF];<--- Change reference here
	Set Object3 to [REF];<--- Change reference here

	Set ResetDistance to 4096;<--- Change value to increase/decrease distance before reset
	Set Speed to 5;<--- Change value to increase/decrease speed

	Set StartPos_x1 to Object1.GetPos x
	Set StartPos_x2 to Object2.GetPos x
	Set StartPos_x3 to Object3.GetPos x

	Set EndPos_x1 to StartPos_x1 + ResetDistance
	Set EndPos_x2 to StartPos_x2 + ResetDistance
	Set EndPos_x3 to StartPos_x3 + ResetDistance

	Set CurrentPos_x1 to Object1.GetPos x
	Set CurrentPos_x2 to Object2.GetPos x
	Set CurrentPos_x3 to Object3.GetPos x


	Set DoOnce to 1
If DoOnce == 1
	Set CurrentPos_x1 to Object1.GetPos x
	Set CurrentPos_x2 to Object2.GetPos x
	Set CurrentPos_x3 to Object3.GetPos x

	If CurrentPos_x1 < EndPos_x1
		Set CurrentPos_x1 to CurrentPos_x1 + Speed
		Object1.SetPos x, CurrentPos_x1
	ElseIf CurrentPos_x1 >= EndPos_x1
		Set CurrentPos_x1 to StartPos_x1
		Object1.SetPos x, StartPos_x1

	If CurrentPos_x2 < EndPos_x2
		Set CurrentPos_x2 to CurrentPos_x2 + Speed
		Object2.SetPos x, CurrentPos_x2
	ElseIf CurrentPos_x2 >= EndPos_x2
		Set CurrentPos_x2 to EndPos_x2
		Object2.SetPos x, StartPos_x2

	If CurrentPos_x3 < EndPos_x3
		Set CurrentPos_x3 to CurrentPos_x3 + Speed
		Object3.SetPos x, CurrentPos_x3
	ElseIf CurrentPos_x3 >= EndPos_x3
		Set CurrentPos_x3 to EndPos_x3
		Object3.SetPos x, StartPos_x3



Feel free to do anything you want with it. :)

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Absalutely perfect. Exactly what is needed. Attatching it to a quest won't be a problem at all, and, as a matter of fact, you have given us the one vital part of the completion of this quest for Fort Death, and its standalone test mod and it works exactly as needed. Sometime's i forget the extent of scripting lol. Thanks for the video too, you went that extra mile for us :) As soon as i get time im going to impliment that in the standalone test mod. I'm not planning on even completing that mod before we impliment it in Fort Death, just enough done to see how it would all run without risk of cluttering Fort Death.
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