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Help with perk creation


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Hello, I'm new to modding, and I'd appreciate some help about how to add some effects to a perk...

First, is there a way to make a perk automatically equip a weapon and make it impossible to unequip it?

For example, I'm trying to make a perk that, when you're very low on health, you'll gain a buff in strenght, agility, endurance and unarmed, as well as health regeneration. When these buffs kick in, I want the player to automatically equip a Deathclaw gauntlet (reguardless if the player have one in their inventory), and be unable to unequip it as long as the buffs are active (which would be until the player recovers his health above, say, 20. After that, tje gauntlet would disappear). Is there a way to do this?

Second, would it be possible to make the third person animations of the player be the same as the Deathclaw ones?

And one last thing, how would I add some effects to the screen during the time that the buffs are active? For instance, how could I make the screen have a yellow tint and blurry?

Thanks in advance.

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