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Missing Traders and some sparse CTD's


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Hi all,

Been playing a modded game of FO3 and am noticing some issues. Mainly missing traders. Have not see any yet and I have been playing for about 20 hrs or so. Also, getting some intermittent CTD's. See my load order below:


Active Mod Files:

00  fallout3.esm
01  anchorage.esm
02  thepitt.esm
03  streetlights.esm
04  brokensteel.esm
05  pointlookout.esm
06  zeta.esm
07  unofficial fallout 3 patch.esm
08  ahud.esm
09  ihud.esm
0A  cinematech.esm
0B  craft.esm
0C  calibr.esm  [Version 1.4]
0D  project beauty.esm
0E  eve.esm
0F  fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esm
10  mart's mutant mod.esm
11  enhanced weather - rain and snow.esm
12  dcinteriors_comboedition.esm
13  rh_ironsights.esm
14  fo3 wanderers edition - alternate travel.esp
15  imaginatorfo3.esp
16  darnifieduif3.esp
**  Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp
**  Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp
17  megalight.esp
18  undergroundhideout.esp
19  fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esp
1A  fo3 wanderers edition - dlc anchorage.esp
1B  fo3 wanderers edition - dlc the pitt.esp
1C  fo3 wanderers edition - dlc broken steel.esp
1D  fo3 wanderers edition - dlc point lookout.esp
1E  fo3 wanderers edition - dlc mothership zeta.esp
1F  rmsavemanager.esp
++  FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp
20  rh_fwe_bridge.esp
21  weaponmodkits.esp
22  weaponmodkits - fwe master release.esp
23  weaponmodkits - operationanchorage.esp
24  weaponmodkits - thepitt.esp
25  weaponmodkits - brokensteel.esp
26  weaponmodkits - pointlookout.esp
27  weaponmodkits - zeta.esp
28  bbbackpacks-v1-1.esp
29  dread dogmeat.esp
2A  rh_eve_bridge.esp
2B  rh_wmk_bridge.esp
2C  mart's mutant mod.esp
2D  mart's mutant mod - dlc anchorage.esp
2E  mart's mutant mod - dlc the pitt.esp
2F  mart's mutant mod - dlc broken steel.esp
++  Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp
30  mart's mutant mod - dlc zeta.esp
**  Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp
31  blackened fwe + mmm + eve + project beauty.esp
++  Fellout-pipboylight.esp
32  enhanced weather - rain and snow in fallout.esp
33  enhanced weather - weather sounds in interiors.esp
34  enhanced weather - sneak bonus during storms.esp
35  enhanced weather - reboot.esp
36  fellout-full.esp
++  Fellout-Anchorage.esp
++  Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp
37  fellout-pointlookout.esp
38  fellout-zeta.esp
39  realistic interior lighting.esp
3A  realistic interior lighting - bs.esp
3B  realistic interior lighting - oa.esp
3C  realistic interior lighting - pl.esp
3D  dynavision - dynamic lens effect.esp
3E  directors chair - fallout 3.esp
3F  bashed patch, 0.esp

If someone could take a look I'd appreciate it.
Update: Fixed the missing traders...Just made a hard save and then waited 73 hrs. they showed up! The CTD's I have been getting may be due to the settings I have for MMM. Increased spawns draing my resources. Will reduce and see.
Edited by raedwald
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