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Some mod requests


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Just a few quick notes:


I am physically disabled and love these FPS games 'cuz they let me forget about the wheelchair. Anyway, I can't use a regular mouse, and haven't yet found a usable joystick. I use an external touchpad and have it mapped for Forward and Reverse movement.


I was wondering if the following mods are possible:


A small command cluster at the bottom of the HUD with clickable icons for often used commands like bringing up the Pip-Boy, Use Item, VATS, crouch, etc. This would be similar to the method used to select suit options in Crysis.


When Buying/Selling items, it would be really helpful if Item Weight was displayed, and how much weight would be added/removed with each purchase/sale.


A clearer map for the Pip-Boy.


A zoomable map for the Pip-Boy in World Map mode, or a way to zoom out in Local Map mode.


That's it for now. I've searched for mods to address the above, but have found none. If someone could build some of these mods, I would be greatful.


Thanks for listening!

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