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Far Cry

Edit Few Things


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i'm creating a new mod, and i already read a lot of texts, and changed a lot of things, but others there isn't a way to find!! Looked over the net and i can't find a "known things" list, so this way it's harder to change something>open the game>testing. I spend long time changing a lot of pointless things sometimes. So i'd like to know where i can find effective tutorials or something like.

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You Tube has quite a few FC3 modding tutorials, and the Ubisoft FC3 forum mod thread has a number of tutorials, video tutorials, tips, and advice posted in it. The problem with the forum is none of it's in order, or very searchable....................so you'll have to wade through it page by page to find stuff you can use.


Search though the mod threads here too; I've gotten quite a bit of helpful info by looking through the mod threads.


Good luck!

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