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A few requests...


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Hello everyone. I know some of my requests might seem simple, but I haven't had good luck playing with the GECK so I've given up. I have 3 requests I'd like to put up quick.


1. I know there are slaver's dartgun mods out there. and also 100% mezz chance mods. but my thoughts are if your using a tranquilizer gun, aka a chemical agent wouldn't the darts have 100% mezz chance? I'd prefer a rifle for this (I think Lincoln's repeater has the right feel)


2. It annoys me that every hunting rifle you find is held together by tape and wire. So I'd like a texture that makes them look better cared for.


3. I know its been mentioned in other topics, but I'd love to see bubblegum crisis style power armor.



Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the thought, but unfortunately I'm just not good at this sort of thing. My one try at using the Geck resulted in me needing to reinstall Fallout3..

Without knowing the details, I would say that is just not possible. As the GECK will not allow you to save any changes to the original game. Anything you do will be saved to a mod (esp) file. So if you screw something up, all you have to do it remove (delete) the mod and your game will be back to its original out-of-the-box state. maybe its time to try again????

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Thanks for the thought, but unfortunately I'm just not good at this sort of thing. My one try at using the Geck resulted in me needing to reinstall Fallout3..



Without knowing the details, I would say that is just not possible. As the GECK will not allow you to save any changes to the original game. Anything you do will be saved to a mod (esp) file. So if you screw something up, all you have to do it remove (delete) the mod and your game will be back to its original out-of-the-box state. maybe its time to try again????


Tell you the truth I haven't published any of my mods because they always cause major lag (my RAM might have something to do with it :sweat: )

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The rifle is easy! I made one of those offhand just the other day :biggrin: I'll tweak it a bit more and upload it sometime today maybe. So, Lincoln's repaeter that shoots darts that mezz people? I'll get it. If anyone could tell me how to make 100% mezz chance that would help too. I made a police baton that mezzed, but it didn't always work, usually just frenzied like the normal mesmetron. So once I can figure that out, you get a purty tranq rifle. :thumbsup:
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