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Alternative start in brand new area


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I had the idea to make some kind of "spin off" but not following the "fallout cannon" exactly. It would be based on the postapocalyptic world but with another point of view.


It will be long to make the ambience and stuff but I won´t hurry.


The thing is that I want to make a new start in a new place. I searched and I found an alternative start for Oblivion, so it should be possible to tell the game to start in another place being alredy a grown up person, doesn´t it?


Since it´s the main fact and the start of the mod (to start over with new adventures, perks, enviroments, etc) I need to know if it could be possible and have a clue of how to do it.


Thanks everybody for your time and all the work you shared.

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to make your player when it leaves the vault starting somewhere else than the exit of the vault all you have to do is add a new place to the teleport of the door..this you can do also by making a new door inside the vault so that he has to go somewhere else than the original door. if i'm right even the quest of escape the vault will be finished.
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Thanks for your answer deepside but my goal is to skip the childhood and when playing a new game start alredy as a grown up in another place.


For example, in the alternative start of Oblivion the creator was able to skip all the prison quest so when you start you are directly in a boat, where you can select your class and stuff in some kind of diary where you "write" this information.


So, what I want to do is similar: When starting the game the player won´t be in the born process. Instead of that, he/she will be signing up in a new corporation which is in charge of the repopulation and reconstruction of the land after the nuclear holocaust (his/her role in this corporation will depend of his/her abbilities and s.p.e.c.i.a.l.´s). The idea is that this kind of "g.o.a.t." will determinate the starting job (scientist, technician, armorer, guard, etc.) and different helping items/perks will get.


Also, I´m planing to do a smaller area of the wasteland, and it won´t be wasteland anymore, it will be a town and their surroundings but won´t be destroyed. Will be more like a Vault City of the old Fallout series.




So I need to map this area too. Guess that adding a new exterior will be enought.


Thanks again ^^


P.S.: Yeah, I know I´m "dreaming" a little before even starting :P

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i'm not exactly sure but could it be that you can delete the first few quests as a figure of speech. till after the part of escaped the vault..haven't tried that in the geck and i think it's alot of work coz you have to change a lot of things about factions and dialogue.

it's a really cool idea and when it's done i surely wanna give it a try.


thoughts and dreams are there to keep ourselves feeling alive.



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Hum, I guess that changing the first quest could work since it has the "trigger" to start the game... Maybe editing it so it start somewhere else, with different places and stuff could work.


I´m still too noob with the toolset. I´ve created a new region but still don´t know how to properly edit it by scratch xD Maybe I will take tranquility lane as start point since it´s the more similar place. Other editors are more userfriendly but that´s what we have :P


thoughts and dreams are there to keep ourselves feeling alive.




You´re really right^^



Thanks for everything, I will keep researching.

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I love alternate start mods, good luck with it!


There is a pretty good one (it allows the player to pick from different pasts, which have an impact on starting stats & gear) available for fallout3, which also skips all the inital steps of the original beginning. I just can't remember the name right now, but with a little bit of search you're going to find it for sure somewhere around the nexus.


Once you find it, you can check it out in GECK and learn about doing such an act.


I´m still too noob with the toolset. I´ve created a new region but still don´t know how to properly edit it by scratch xD Maybe I will take tranquility lane as start point since it´s the more similar place. Other editors are more userfriendly but that´s what we have :P


Regions are holding some additional information such as sounds, weather settings and are used for populating corresponding area's with props.


The easiest way to create an area (cell) you're able to walk around & play in, is to duplicate one of the existing ones and start altering it or delete all present assets. To get familiar with GECK I can really recommend the tutorials of the GECK Wiki and also to start with an interior cell. Just start creating some content and bit by bit you're going to figure out how to implement your ideas.



If you got any questions feel free to contact me.


Enjoy GECKing & welcome!

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Thanks for your answer portbash.


I looked for the mod you said and I found something interesting. It is a modder resource that allows you to customize the starting point of the adventure wherever else than the vanilla start: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6651


I´m still checking and testing so I can see how it works.


Thanks to TheMagician for sharing btw.


I will follow your advice and will pause the project until I´ve checked and tested every tutorial because I´m seeing that scripting is the key to every single thing I want to do xD


I want to make a deep experience with many ways to solve things and more task despite shooting enemies so I better take it easy and patiently (I have all in my mind, just need to bring it to the G.E.C.K. XD).


I really appreciate your interest and all people´s willing to help to build our personal projects. I hope I can compensate everyone´s kindness one day with my work (That´s how life should be, huh? Everyone helping each other sharing their knowledge and work :P)

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I looked for the mod you said and I found something interesting. It is a modder resource that allows you to customize the starting point of the adventure wherever else than the vanilla start: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6651

Ah, never have heard of it. Nice idea of publishing such a fresh state.

Now you got a perfect example you can reverse-engineer or start using as a base.


(That´s how life should be, huh? Everyone helping each other sharing their knowledge and work :P)

Ah, that would be great... :closedeyes:


In this context: I love the Quick Question - Quick Answer Thread for quickies that won't need an own thread. Cipscis is usually watching it and he's quite an experienced and helpful fellow, especially regarding scripting. Check his "Staged Timers" Tutorial. It helped me a lot when I was a new. Its the most accurate control method you can have inside a script. Very, very powerfull


And yes: Scripting is the almighty key... :bunny:

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