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Annoying buttons at top of keyboard

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I have buttons on my laptop's keyboard that run along the top of it. They open internet explorer, mail, windows media center, and more. They are extremely sensitive to touch, and are actually not really buttons. They are right above the function buttons, and I often accidentally let my finger brush over one, which can open multiples of the same program, severely bogging down my game performance. Does anyone know how I can disable them?
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Those buttons must be laptop specific, and that they work means they have a driver somewhere installed.


Check your software for Programs from the Manufacturer of the Laptop to see if there is some configuration software for those buttons installed. There should be normally one.


If you cant find such a software, seach your drivers and running processes, and disable them there if you find them.


if you cant locate the drivers either, check with the manufacturer of your Laptop,

they should have guides and help sites or atleast a technical support where you can get the specific answer for your specific laptop.


Some Laptops even have a switch somewhere on the back or bottom to disable such keys (but not all).

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