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GearsofWar vs Halo


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lol halo easy win, gears of war has good graphics and thats about it also they messed both games up with patches .......


horrible to play online , and the story is bad has alot of plot holes.


controls are so bad , and the aim is way off all over the place Grears of was just truns into a shotgun / chainsaw deathmatch.....


Gears was one of the first xbox games i played......... wasted my money on it, never got the second one hardly none i know got it better games out , also i saw Gears of War 2 in in the shops for 10 quid lol sad very sad......

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WOW I din't understand anything that you said. Perhaps you should try speaking French next time because then I might be able to understand half of it. The only thing I understood was that you said the aiming in Gears is bad, which is certaintly not the case. Also Gears 2 is way better than the first, and perhaps you should try it :thumbsup: :thanks: :confused:
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I liked both, but my favourite was Halo. The firsts story was amazing, with lacking online. The second had good online but an okayish story and the third was in the middle. While Halo3 obviously had really good multiplayer, but the second started it.


Gears of war... It was good, but I liked Halo was much better.

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I like Gears 2 better, but Ill never play Gears online because its horrible. Gears online turns into a shotgun dodge showdown. Its just stupid lol. But I loved the story in Gears of War, and the second one. Lol plus theres Horde in Gears 2, which I absolutely love haha. I got a wave 37 on my own, a personal best haha.

I like Halo 3 too, a lot but I dont have xbox to play either one on. Both games are great.


But im just more partial to Gears of War :D

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Why does everyone think the multiplayer in gears is just a shotgun dodge contest, I mean sure that's true for the first one but definatley not the second one. Trust me I would know especially since most of my friends are great at gears. I will admit though Halo's multiplayer is better, but I like Horde better than Firefight cause it's harder. :thumbsup:
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Halo 3/ODST pwns. gears of war is a game that you can play for about an hour then your bored, its wayy to repetitive where as halo there's a hell of alot more including maps and weapons and plain and simply the game play, it just beats gears and gears 2 through out.


:P :wub: :yucky: :starwars:

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I have played both and the controls for gears annoyed the hell out of me. I died half of the time cause of the thrird person controls are dodgy at best. Dont get me worng either I love third person games third person deathmath on modern warefare 2 is amazing but for gears of war the online is a bust the story is ok just seems more of a game to play when you have nothing else to do.


Halo 3 is fun and extreemly addictive online I play just to hear the sounds for multikills and try to beat my pwesonal best KD raito. I feel like I have acomplished something when I play halo three as well as trying to get into MLG its fun. Singleplayer sucks really its just horrid so many holes its the same thing every time just kill the same people and what not. it is deff better though cause of the multiplayer.

Though IMHO Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2 beats out both with out even trying.

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