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Looking for some help. (Meshes)


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Hey guys whats up? A few days ago I released my first mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28365


After I completed it, and released it I was fairly happy with the end results, but wanted to take it a bit further. The problem is I dont have 3ds, or another modeling program. And am looking for some one that would be willing to help out with a version 2 of the sheild.


Basiclly I need an improoved mesh and the textures re-wraped so that the texture on the front of the sheild no longer shows up on the back of it in sections, but the back would be a completly seprate texture map and around the edge on the front of the sheild too. Im not sure if any one has messed with the ebony / chorrol sheilds but if so you minght know what Im talking about if you have. Also, we could bump the pollys up a bit too, add some more edges to get rid of the boxy look.


If any one has any intrest please contact me Id like to add it to the list. Id be very greatfull, and for sure give you credit for you're efforts.



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