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What's all this beautification about?


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I also like your conclusion, domanz.


I get the depth of this:


I still can't accept the utopian desire to make everything pretty, but this exceeds computergames and needs not be discussed here. If you want, you're welcome and I will join but I won't start it.



It made me stop and ruminate for a few minutes.. and I think in my case, I don't choose a lot of realism mods. I don't "believe in" making Oblivion into a 15th century Western European based world. Never have from the beginning. It doesn't take place on earth, it takes place on Nirn. Trumps the whole "they didn't wear that, they didn't do this" argument, which is null anyway when you compare the architecture.


But most of all, I paint my textures by hand, I am pleased when my people turn out beautifully because I made them.

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I also like your conclusion, domanz.


I get the depth of this:


I still can't accept the utopian desire to make everything pretty, but this exceeds computergames and needs not be discussed here. If you want, you're welcome and I will join but I won't start it.



It made me stop and ruminate for a few minutes.. and I think in my case, I don't choose a lot of realism mods. I don't "believe in" making Oblivion into a 15th century Western European based world. Never have from the beginning. It doesn't take place on earth, it takes place on Nirn. Trumps the whole "they didn't wear that, they didn't do this" argument, which is null anyway when you compare the architecture.


But most of all, I paint my textures by hand, I am pleased when my people turn out beautifully because I made them.


You draw the textures yourself? Impressive.


Yes you're right, any arguments including facts from the middle-age fail when it comes to fantasy settings, regarding the white teeth I was unsettled because it's the whole damn beauty-and-media-insanity topic again. "Buy that toothpaste or no one's gonna ram you", as Marilyn Manson once said... or something similar anyway.


I just like that you thought about your motivation which, obviously, is also the case when you mod your game. That's completely fine, I like that, I would love to do that myself but I don't cough up enough motivation to learn to do so. As I said before, I just can't stand the inability to accept something as is. Because I postulate that this kind of thinking exceeds modding and takes effect in real life where you have to undergo plastic surgery just to look like everyone else. Gee. It's a popular way of thinking I dislike, working towards a common appearance, instead of appreciating what already exists. You know what I mean? It's a difference if you mod a game to your liking or if you don't accept the idea behind it from the beginning. Please beware, I only use this example to clarify what I mean, there's nothing bad about total conversions.


BTW, I like the mod which alters Sten's appearance towards the trailer, he just looks much more Sten-ish when he's younger with grey beard :D Awesome.

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I dont have a problem with ugly or plain, the problem is with the models themselves. Bioware and Bethesda are using engines that are atleast a few years out of date. Textures and characters all look a little pixelated, and not a few of them look malnurished...


Fantasy is not mideval times. Its a base for fantasy, and among the differing types of fantasy, theres high, low and middle fantasy. High fantasy is more of the real life middle ages with a bit of flourish.


I like using the body mods that make the females actually look feminine... not men with boobs.

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I dont have a problem with ugly or plain, the problem is with the models themselves. Bioware and Bethesda are using engines that are atleast a few years out of date. Textures and characters all look a little pixelated, and not a few of them look malnurished...


Fantasy is not mideval times. Its a base for fantasy, and among the differing types of fantasy, theres high, low and middle fantasy. High fantasy is more of the real life middle ages with a bit of flourish.


I like using the body mods that make the females actually look feminine... not men with boobs.


EXACTLY. It's not that we want to see a bunch of beautiful, gorgeous naked women (and men) running around because we don't feel like getting pr0n, it's because these games's engines are CRAP and very outdated on release. Both Oblivion and Fallout 3 have mods that completely restructure the way people are built, the way they stand, the way they carry weapons, etc. Why people even have to MAKE these mods really boggles my mind...I mean, if someone who wasn't involved in making the game can make the wonderful mods, why wasn't the game released like that in the FIRST damned place?


Sure, nude mods aren't for everybody, but we should at least have the OPTION of seeing some T&A. Some people really enjoy that. I personally think that, to some extent, it adds a more realistic feel to the characters. Sure, I don't run around the entire game topless just to see boobs. But just to know that someone took the time to make sure those boobs are visible any time is nice. SOME of us don't run nude mods just because we like to >beep< off to our characters. I know it's hard to understand.


And I agree...the female bodies in this game are atrocious. They're men with boobs, definitely. A lot of the armor (blood dragon anyone?) makes the females look extremely fat. If I wanted a fat character, I'm sure I'd eventually be able to download a mod for one.

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You both didn't get me. I'm absolutely PRO nudemods, since nude's what's people are when you take off their clothes, and when it comes to roleplaying, it may be part of your style. (In morrowind, I used to rip the clothes off my victims, lol) And I'm PRO for mods which add polygons, better models and better textures. I'm talking about mods which add boobs bigger than pamela anderson's or modify the faces so females look like whores. THAT's what I'm talking about.


Regarding these faces I've learned it may be purely for aesthetics, but tell me a reason why you want big boobs in a fanstasy setting, lest you have never heard of 4chan or youporn.

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Regarding these faces I've learned it may be purely for aesthetics, but tell me a reason why you want big boobs in a fanstasy setting, lest you have never heard of 4chan or youporn.

What difference does it make to you if modders put huge boobs on their models? If you don't like it you have a number of options, some of which I will kindly list here:

  1. don't download the "huge boobies" mods
  2. make your own "itty bitty titties" mod
  3. download the huge boobs mod and secretly masturbate to it

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I usually go for "beautification" mods that fit a particular aspect. Like in DA:O i currently use a mod for Morrigan that makes her look more like the promotional artwork. I would also be interested in a mod that made Leilana make more like the one from trailer. So far no one has made one that really fit that.


But i dont go for like "uber boobs" mods or "make everyone purtyful" ones. I did put in the teeth whitening one though cause i found the yellow to just be distracting, but thats just me.

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Regarding these faces I've learned it may be purely for aesthetics, but tell me a reason why you want big boobs in a fanstasy setting, lest you have never heard of 4chan or youporn.

What difference does it make to you if modders put huge boobs on their models? If you don't like it you have a number of options, some of which I will kindly list here:

  1. don't download the "huge boobies" mods
  2. make your own "itty bitty titties" mod
  3. download the huge boobs mod and secretly masturbate to it


I'd go with 3 if I didn't have to re-/uninstall the mod all the time. So, the alternatives win. Still, thanks for reducing my options.

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Well there is no going arround Nude Mods and stuff like that.

Someone allways will try to make things more pretty or just naked.


I would think that there are more important things for the start to deal with in Dragon Age then those fugly naked models...

but what is the first thing people mod? Nude stuff... what else?


I did not see the need for any new Morrigan or Lelilalulana faces... so far. In the posted screenshots they all look the same to me anyway.



For Fallout 3 on the other hand after 2 playthroughs 100 new weapons and armors and what not i just used the Type3 Body stuff to keep me intrested in the Game.

I got bored of the ugly chars anyway so the beauty mods with new hair and clothing were a nice change of scenery and in FO3 it is not only a nude mod but they did a lot of Clotging/Armor for that new Body's too.



For now i would rather have somebody to put a few more nice Weapons and Armors into Dragon Age... and in a way that would improve the Game and not brake it!

I realy dont like that you get every weapon/armor you download for free in your inventory (or have to pay rare gold to a merchant) and most of it is high end or overpowered which brakes the ballance even more.


In Fallout 3 at least most of the new Items were placed in Random Boxes somewhere in the game so you would have to get them first.

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Well there is no going arround Nude Mods and stuff like that.

Someone allways will try to make things more pretty or just naked.


I would think that there are more important things for the start to deal with in Dragon Age then those fugly naked models...

but what is the first thing people mod? Nude stuff... what else?


I did not see the need for any new Morrigan or Lelilalulana faces... so far. In the posted screenshots they all look the same to me anyway.



For Fallout 3 on the other hand after 2 playthroughs 100 new weapons and armors and what not i just used the Type3 Body stuff to keep me intrested in the Game.

I got bored of the ugly chars anyway so the beauty mods with new hair and clothing were a nice change of scenery and in FO3 it is not only a nude mod but they did a lot of Clotging/Armor for that new Body's too.



For now i would rather have somebody to put a few more nice Weapons and Armors into Dragon Age... and in a way that would improve the Game and not brake it!

I realy dont like that you get every weapon/armor you download for free in your inventory (or have to pay rare gold to a merchant) and most of it is high end or overpowered which brakes the ballance even more.


In Fallout 3 at least most of the new Items were placed in Random Boxes somewhere in the game so you would have to get them first.


Agreed agreed and agreed, I don't count nude mods as beautifications mods, in a way they are since most panties in games look like my grandma's (gee), they (the nude mods) are just natural.

And yeah, I would like some more weapons and armor added to the loot list, not in the inventory neither to be bought, money is really scarce in DA. I think that's a good thing, you really have to chosse which powerful items to buy. I like that a lot. You can't have it all :)

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