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What's all this beautification about?


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Well thank you Darkewolf for the niceness, i hate when you post on a dead thread and you get yelled at. I didnt know that i wasnt supposed to do it lol but i just hate how such good conversations go dead. Because later in life a newer generation may have this same conversation, and if they see this thread already up, they can read people thoughts from years before, and motovate them to take gaming to a new level. But i will not make a habbit out it, scouts honor :P

And thank you thandal (if i spelled your name wrong im dearly sorry, im horrible at remembering names even if i just saw it lol)

I found one beautification mod, which is decent, i will replace it later, but im trying to not really change the whole game, but manipulate it into a somewhat different adventure. Ive always loved fallout, but i hated how that once it ended it was pretty much over, yes there were the dlcs that gave you a few more hours of gameplay, but what i wanted to do was give the game a touch of what the world would be like if it was postnuclear. For example, i wanted to set up a lot of deserted buildings that the player could own, and instead of just interior customization, exterior cstomizing would be more important. I downloaded zombie apocalypse mod to add a more sci-fi realisim to it, because if this happened im sure peoples copses would mutate and bacteria that were in to body would also mutate into a bigger living organism which would act like a prasite and control the corpse (one of my theories on how zombies could exisit, this theory is basically there not living dead, theere bodies are just controlled by a parisite organism). i think i strayed off my topic lol well any way with zombie apocalypse it adds zombies all around the fallout world, and they respawn and have points set up that basically keep spewing tons of zombies out( i had to use the ghoul model bc the za mods model was very good looking in geck, but did not work in game no matter what i did to get it to work, they lookd like they were made out of the material boogey oogy was from nightmare before christmas). Now the building that i wnated to create would allow you to get roof acess and etc. and let you place turrets, sniper stand, stuff like that, because this is what i would imagine a lot of survivors would do if this really happened. But my scripting skills arent so good, but my strong point lies in creativity, story line creation, things that involve writing or thinking lol. And i started college for psychology for a few reasons, one of those reasons being gaming. in a lot of games, the characters expressions and speech seem off. I think the best way to make an npc is to know there psycological makeup, the way they will think, act speak, and to match there expressions with there feelings, to make it more realistic. I love fantasy games and rpgs for the unrealistic events and weaponry and storyline, but when you see another human, i want that human to be what it is : a human, not just a bot. And i know this seems like i strayed from the main topic, but all of this has to do with this thread topic(beleive it or not lol). If i wanted to be sucessful in this moding, i would need to have the npcs which is crucial in my mod that i want to create, more human. Not physically similar, all having the same frames whith just different faces and skin tones. They would all have to be unique mentally and physically. Which i dont even know if the engine for fallout 3 could handle all of this, but if it couldnt then i would have to find a similar but more expansive engine. To acheive them being more psycologically advanced, i would have to create some kind of engine or complex scripting to run as soon as the game begin, and to carry out commands that would make the npc human. like instead of using the markers to move around, just have some kind of program or script that would allow me to just setup a certain radius and they patrol in this radius(which there may be something like this, but like i said im horrible with scripting and technical stuff). But like i said, none of this would be worth anything if they didnt have beautification mods to make the npcs look human.

sorry for the long post,but i had to get it out before my head exploded. I have a mental disorder where my brain basically wrks really fast and wont ever stop thinking, which causes insomnia and causes me to say things like this that no one really cares about lol.

but tahnkl you again darkewolf and thandal

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From what I've seen, the Dragon Age Redesigned mod looks like a fresh breath of air to me. Considering the fact that a few of the original DA:O characters look utterly horrible, I am tempted to go for some beautification - or rather, "realification". Some of the vanilla characters just look odd.


As for you OP - it's a hard question to answer. Human behavior is weird at best. Someone quoted "beauty = success" - the correlation may coded into our views, but despite the natural cause for this, the idea of "beautification" in the modding communities of various games is in some sense, sad.

What shocks me though, is not the idea of changing the characters faces etc, but the obsession with nude mods. There is always a nude mod - there was one for the original Sims, everything Sims, Half Life 2, Oblivion and so forth.

Somehow, I can understand the urge - nudity is appealing to most people - but heck; it really breaks the immersion, doesn't it?


Enough said, I'm going to get myself some DA:O Redesigned. But it is important not to forget the unbelievably unfitting face and animation of Leliana during her song!

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From what I've seen, the Dragon Age Redesigned mod looks like a fresh breath of air to me. Considering the fact that a few of the original DA:O characters look utterly horrible, I am tempted to go for some beautification - or rather, "realification". Some of the vanilla characters just look odd.


As for you OP - it's a hard question to answer. Human behavior is weird at best. Someone quoted "beauty = success" - the correlation may coded into our views, but despite the natural cause for this, the idea of "beautification" in the modding communities of various games is in some sense, sad.

What shocks me though, is not the idea of changing the characters faces etc, but the obsession with nude mods. There is always a nude mod - there was one for the original Sims, everything Sims, Half Life 2, Oblivion and so forth.

Somehow, I can understand the urge - nudity is appealing to most people - but heck; it really breaks the immersion, doesn't it?


Enough said, I'm going to get myself some DA:O Redesigned. But it is important not to forget the unbelievably unfitting face and animation of Leliana during her song!


I agree very much with you. But in a way, nudity is real, beacause when i take off al my chlothes i dont have a permanent cloth undergarment on. But the reasoning behind most people isnt for a such cause, they do it mainly to be perverted. Alas, it is there own choice, and i see nothing wrong with it, to each their own. I also found a mod that allowed prostitution, allowing you to pimp yourself out and recruit people you can pimp out. I liked the basic concept, because in a world much like fallout, there are no jobs. But what are the two things people will always pay for: sex and drugs. I just didnt like that the mod went into so much detail like showing you a animated video of you actually having sex, if people want that hey should watch porn.

i personally love fallout, it to me is just such a grand game, but like most grand things it could be better. i just think bethesda should have really though it out. if you live in a world like that, there will be more ways to make money or survive then just questing. Also i think there should be quests that over time help recooperate some of the lost world. Like doing things so that viallges can go from huts to once again buildings. And why is it every house or hut has lights, but there isnt any visible power sources most of the time? its the small things like that that make a game, and it is those things that are always forgotten.

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Not to mention one of the popular Mods is one that whitens the teeth of the characters in the game. I doubt people from that era even had toothbrushes; and English people are very famous for having very BAD teeth.


I don't pay attention to the Mods that give you the most beautiful characters around. They are seriously a dime a dozen.

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I don't know if DA:O is set in England, but Oblivion, most definitely, is not. Historically, people who eat native foods have healthy (white) teeth. Note that sugar was imported to England first as a rare delicacy, then later as a cheap staple that significantly ruined the diet and health of the population (including their teeth). Cane sugar is not a native food to Europe. I could argue that sugar is one of the most evil poisons on earth.
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... Cane sugar is not a native food to Europe. I could argue that sugar is one of the most evil poisons on earth.

When I was at uni, there was a small restaurant that had the condiments loose in large jars on a side counter. You had to get up from your table and spoon them out. Among them, one was labeled "NaCl", and one was labeled "White Death". ;)

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I love seeing other people's perspectives on this. It is what makes this modding community such a great place to be a part of. There is usually something here for someone to mod their game with that fits their tastes. I like lore most of the time with the exception of how people in my game look. I have to look at ugly people all day long in real life (including what I see in the mirror lol).


When I am spending my time in a RPG, I have a "no ugly people" policy. I like to look at attractive people....and since I can make the game be all attractive people...why shouldn't that be OK? It makes me laugh when people try to equate this "philosophy" with real life. This is not real life, it is a fantasy game so I and others make it as much our own fantasy as we can. I would never tell someone else how to run or mod their game. Why do some feel the need to criticize those of us who like most of the beauty and body mods? People that ass-u-me that those of us that use body mods are perverts are doing us and themselves a disservice. Bioware must be perverts for making a game where you can have a man-on-man or woman-on-woman romance as part of the story line too I guess?? I think criticizing mods for "personal taste" reasons that you don't personally use and the way people like to run their own game, is taking the first step to being a troll.

Edited by XTR3M368
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The game is fantasy but all fantasy is based on perceptions refined in real life and one can argue that fantasy is always what people would wish real life to be in their ideal world. Our culture thrives on celebrity worship, youth obsession and the eradication of what people perceive as ugly all around us. A few wrinkles or scars never hurt anyone, not really. Better to be a little off on the outside than to be a total mess inside.
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Better to be a little off on the outside than to be a total mess inside.

VERY True that! :thumbsup:


About the teeth- DA is set in a fantasy world. Based off of several different cultural settings. The thing with the teeth was actually a fault in the light or shaders or similar... of the models.

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When I am spending my time in a RPG, I have a "no ugly people" policy. I like to look at attractive people....and since I can make the game be all attractive people...why shouldn't that be OK? It makes me laugh when people try to equate this "philosophy" with real life. This is not real life, it is a fantasy game so I and others make it as much our own fantasy as we can. I would never tell someone else how to run or mod their game. Why do some feel the need to criticize those of us who like most of the beauty and body mods? People that ass-u-me that those of us that use body mods are perverts are doing us and themselves a disservice. Bioware must be perverts for making a game where you can have a man-on-man or woman-on-woman romance as part of the story line too I guess?? I think criticizing mods for "personal taste" reasons that you don't personally use and the way people like to run their own game, is taking the first step to being a troll.


Wow, I thought it was just me, So much ugliness in the world; why see it in the game even though the game does impart a certain ugliness on things; at least the people around me can radiate at least some sense of beauty which gives a hope that everything can hopefully at some point rise above that ugliness and thrive. I do throw in a scar or two and a flaw here and there but nothing outrageous, just a reminder not to let it get that way again. Anyone remember an old song by a band called Supertramp called Dreamer?


... Cane sugar is not a native food to Europe. I could argue that sugar is one of the most evil poisons on earth.

When I was at uni, there was a small restaurant that had the condiments loose in large jars on a side counter. You had to get up from your table and spoon them out. Among them, one was labeled "NaCl", and one was labeled "White Death". ;)


Sacrilege! Heresy! Blasphemers!!! :woot: Without salt we would die! Without sugar we would have no rum and without rum I couldn't make my conch chowder and while that wouldn't put me out of a job it would certainly diminish my value.



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