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can i get mods for my xbox 360?


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People on the ps3 side have been editing the ps3 save data using a hex editor as rumors say, like giving a inf experience points and what not.


if you just google it its all over the net.




this is considered modding, since your editing code.


i never tried it and never will though.

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Hooking the console up to a PC will NOT allow you to play mods. If you know somebody that knows somebody else who did it, that is called a rumor. The only people who have been able to play mods have modified their box in some way. Not a software mod, a hardware hack that requires some electronics knowledge. Trying to do this without specialized knowledge can result in an expensive paperweight.


Any mod to your box, either hardware or software will get you banned from the MS site - no appeal. They recently banned a million people, most for things like having a bad hard drive replaced by some shop instead of sending it in. Or they have been caught using a hex editor to make changes in their games. (Against the rules of their service according to MS)


And even if you are able to somehow get the mod on your box, it still will not work. The file structure is different so you will have to rewrite the entire mod anyway to work with the structure the box uses.


If you want to play with mods, get a PC.

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