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Fresh install problems


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as the tittle suggests, i'm having big problems with the instalation of the game (no expansion packs).

I was pissed over the constant crashing and the total mess that was going on in my data folders that i wanted to uninstall and re-install the game on the other disk.

For starters i made a backup folder with the necesary files from the data folder and then run the uninstaller - -everything went smooth.


But when i wanted to reinstall the game, the installer stopped working right after the installing options were set. I had to restart the instalation, but now, it always says that the game is acctualy installed and the launcher won't show the install option anymore (only the play withc ofc doesnt work since there is no .exe of the game)


Can this be fixed somehow? thanks for your help!




I've managed to solve the problem....by googeling. :rolleyes: yeah shame on me, i posted this before i acctualy searched for the answear myslef.


I'm realy sorry for the incovenience, is it possible to get this topic locked?

thank you

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