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mods not appearing under oblivion launcher w/ obmm

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so i'm running vista and just installed oblivion. trying to mod it and have gone through a number of attempts to make it work. first of all, i am trying to install the eyecandy body replace mod, so i tried extracting it directly to the data file and that didn't work, i tried obmm, got it set up and active, but the launcher still has only the main oblivion file when i go to data to turn mods on. i noticed there is no .esm in the data folder, is that a problem? I heard it wasn't and at any rate, the meshes etc have installed correctly. I've heard of attempting to install it under say C:games, do i just create that folder and put it in there? obmm gives me installation issues when i put the game anywhere other than program files x86. the program file folder shouldn't even be a problem since i have uac off right? anyway, to sum it all up, if anyone recognizes this let me know, i don't know why but even when i appear to have the mods in and permissions set right, the launcher only sees oblivion.esm and nothing else, and the eyecandy mod doesn't load. thanks for the help.
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