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Final Final Boss / Difficulty Mod


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I've beaten the game twice now, and my 3rd time through I'm trying out some of these mods / special weapons. The game was pretty much easy as it is. Does anyone have a special final boss they can program in balanced to the game, I know of the nightmare + difficulty mod but thats not what I'm looking for his changes. 1.75x times more damage and 3-5x HP on all mobs / bosses would be fun. or a final final boss that someone can design; amazing encounter, 30 minute fight. would be sick
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It would add enough difficulty if all the trash mobs got replaced by real ones- lvl 20 hurlocks instead of lvl 10 hurlock grunts. It would make the path to the archdemon a lot harder, and make the spawning darkspawn during the final fight non-negligible.
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