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Editing Clothing


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Im new to modding but i really want to learn. I want to make my own set of clothes for my character (not just change the color) so i was wondering if anyone knew how to make one. I looked on google but couldnt find any tutorials so if there is anyone out there who knows how to do that please let me know. Im assuming it involves Photoshop and i am very good at it so thats no problem. i just gotta know what to do or where to start. Im also willing to edit some of the presets like the witch robes. but i would like to remove/add parts of it.



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Well i am myself no modder but i can tell you some places to get started with modding.


Dragon age Builder Wiki check the Getting started and tutorials section first


and Beyond Ferelden an extremly well written and helpful blog with lots of guides


But as far as i know, you might be out of luck jet with what you want, modelling new clothes, and not retexturing them, becouse there is until now no way there to reimport edited things or new things into the toolset, but it is only a matter of time till such a tool will be aviable i guess.


good luck, i hope that helped :thumbsup:

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as its been said there is currently no way to import your creations into DA but you can still learn how to do modeling and how to use tools like blender, 3dsmax, photoshop, gimp and if I read correctly in other threads nifscope may even be useful to DA modeling soon as well.


There are a great deal of tutorials currently available that range from noob to pro, they do require searching though. If you currently have Oblivion, FO3 or NWN2 or another highly modded game. You can start learning the basics right away with some of the excellent tutorials written for those games. Not everything you learn will apply to DA modding but enough of it will that when the tools for DA become available you wont be completely in the dark and clueless as how to start.


Every modder has there strengths and weakness, So dont become discouraged. Moddeling takes time to learn and of course the more powerful tools are ofent expensive unless gotten by some other means such as school work or so on, but some of the free tools such as blender, nifscope, and gimp are also highly valuable tools.


The tutorials themselves can be found all over the net, a few good ones to read for nifscope and blender can be found on tesnexus, some others that I recommend can be found at renderosity which is an excellent site for not just tutorials on using 3dsmax, poser, maya, bryce and so on but for questions answers and extremely helpful critiques, and free resources such as plugins and free to use models and textures.

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I was hoping the Toolset could handle all the clothing modeling. So, for example, the mages pack, etc., were orignally designed in photoshop (or some other program, more likely a 3D rendering prog like Bryce) and then imported into the toolset? Or images from the game via the toolset were exported to PS, then edited and then imported back into the toolset? I am a really good artist when it comes to pen and paper and have about novice to medium skills in PS as I haven't tinkered with it for long. But, crap, I've really been wanting to design my own armor and weapons. It seems like a lengthy process for one article of clothing to be made, is it not?


Hehe, and here I was hoping I could load up the toolset and get everything done in there.


edit: even the Wiki on creating a Longsword is incomplete, as it doesn't go through the entire process for exporting or applying to the game.

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I was hoping the Toolset could handle all the clothing modeling. So, for example, the mages pack, etc., were orignally designed in photoshop (or some other program, more likely a 3D rendering prog like Bryce) and then imported into the toolset? Or images from the game via the toolset were exported to PS, then edited and then imported back into the toolset? I am a really good artist when it comes to pen and paper and have about novice to medium skills in PS as I haven't tinkered with it for long. But, crap, I've really been wanting to design my own armor and weapons. It seems like a lengthy process for one article of clothing to be made, is it not?


Hehe, and here I was hoping I could load up the toolset and get everything done in there.


edit: even the Wiki on creating a Longsword is incomplete, as it doesn't go through the entire process for exporting or applying to the game.


Try this tutorial, it will take you through steps in the DAtoolkit from start to finish.



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