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Iron sight accuracy help


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I've been playing around with various mods that add recoil/spread, etc. to guns, but one thing is kind of bugging me. I can't figure out how to mod the game/weapons so that you have better accuracy when aiming down the sights, independently of the minimum weapon spread. What I mean by that is I'd like to have weapons that could have more hip fire spread, yet less aim down sights spread than another weapon.



Weapon A has moderate spread all around.

Weapon B has high spread while hip firing, but low spread when aiming down the sights.


I'm not sure if it's possible to accomplish with this engine, but it's something I've really wanted to find out about. I'm aware there are game settings tied to spread. Specifically, fGunSpreadIronSightsBase and fGunSpreadIronSightsMult are tied to the percentage your spread is reduced when aiming down sights as compared to hip firing. The only problem with this is that it's a percentage system that applies to all guns (so far as I know), therefore a gun with better hip fire spread (minimum spread) will also have better aiming spread compared to another weapon with higher minimum spread.


So, I guess my real question is... does anyone know how to affect this on a per weapon basis? Even a confirmation that it's not possible would be a helpful comment. At least then I'll know not to bother trying to figure it out.


P.S. On a side note, I actually tried playing with the fGunSpreadIronSights settings to try to achieve a better spread reduction for all weapons while ADSing, but it didn't seem to do anything, despite having it at the end of my list. Maybe I have a script affecting it; I don't really know.

Edited by Maleficus04
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I know what you talking about - currently, aiming down sights only reduces spread by, I think, 35% - which is ridiculous, because I find myself aiming at a raider, probable about 60, 70 yards away, PERFECTLY DEAD-ON i.e. my sight post is kissing the guys head, and then I pull the trigger, and it misses. I make sure that it isn't a misalignment, by going to a random place and checking how much the rifle is off by, when shooting a fixed point - then I find that there is an actual conical spread mechanic in the game. If I had a rifle that did that at that sort of distance in real life, then I'd ask for my money back!!!

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